Constitution Square, Tour II
350, rue Albert
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1A 1H5
Sigle : CRSNG
Adresse Internet :

  Programme(s) de recherche actif(s)

  Projet(s) actif(s)
    Accelerate the pre-competitive development of an eating assistive device for people living with movement 1a
    Acclimatation des arbres au vent après perturbation partielle
    Accroître la résilience des municipalités face aux changements climatiques par l'intégration de solutions vertes et d'ingénierie
    Acquisition de connaissances critiques à l'utilisation directe des ressources géothermiques au Canada - GeoDirect
    Action des microvésicules dans les tissus solides
    Adaptation and acclimatization to high altitude in rodents
    Advanced mi-infrared ultrafast laser technologies and their applications
    Advanced optical techniques for tissue identification and visulisation
    Advanced signal processing for dual comb interferometry
    Advancing Cannabis Cultivation Through an Intelligent Multi-omics Breeding Program
    Advancing Renewal Energy and Strategic Metals through Multi-Scale Sustainable Process Innovation
    Aim 3b - Antimicrobial resistance genes in bioaerosols in Canadian arctic, rural, and urban environments: sources, profiles, transport and fate
    All-fiber quantum optics with colloidal nanosemiconductors
    Amélioration de la durabilité de blocs structuraux isolés pour leur utilisation en construction commerciale et multiplex
    Amélioration génétique chez le fraisier à jours neutres ; une sélection axée sur la flaveur et le contrôle de la floraison
    Améliorer la compréhension et les potentialités des systèmes de prévision hydrologique d'ensemble à court-moyen terme.
    A new multi-scale approach to characterize concrete creep - Phase 2: drying effects, application to emerging concretes and micro-to-macro validation
    An innovative minimally invasive modular right ventricular assist device
    An intellectual overlap of pure mathematics and engineering techniques targeted to develop self-reliant, efficient and clean artificial intelligence processors
    A novel approach for landform classification based on salience detection integrating expert knowledge and deep learning
    A novel class of small non-coding RNAs
    Anticipatory Locomotor Adjustments and Individual-Environment Complexity
    Antimicrobial resistance genes in bioaerosols in Canadian arctic, rural, and urban environments: sources, profiles, transport and fate
    Apis mellifera ion channels and tools to study agroecosystems contaminants
    Application of machine learning techniques to automate the delineation of spatial compartment organzation in harvest planning
    Application of Self-tapping Screws in Reinforcement of Timber Members
    Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques
    Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques
    Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques
    Approches hybridant la recherche opérationnelle et l'intelligence artificielle pour la planification de ressources dans les réseaux de prestation de services de santé
    ArbrenVil : Développement d'une foresterie urbaine de précision pour optimiser le couvert forestier en ville
    Arctic viral ecology in water, ice and aerosols
    Artificial Intelligence meets Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding in smart sustainable cities
    A structural, kinematical, dynamical and thermodynamical study of galactic gas complexes
    Atteinte de la cible zéro enfouissement par une plateforme de valorisation des résidus serricoles
    Atténuation des menaces de sécurité dans les systèmes cyperphysiques industriels en utilisant des agents autonomes
    Automation of Basic Forestry Operations
    Bacterial biofilms ans sustainable catalytic materials studied in customized microfluidic bioanalytical flow-cells
    Bacterial biofilms as sustainable catalytic materials studied in customized microfluidic bioanalytical flow-cells.
    Bacteriophages and plasmids in Streptococcus thermophilus
    Behavioral and neural investigations of temporal information processing
    Behaviour-based approach to study neurosteroids
    Behaviour-based approach to study neurosteroids
    Big data analytics in insurance
    Bioaérosols: développement et application de stratégies de contrôle
    Biochemical and functional characterization of proteins and enzymes for heme-iron acquisition and utilisation in bacteria
    Biodiversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes marins en mutation
    Biodiversity impacts of natural and managed ecosystems in the Anthropocene
    Biodiversity patterns in disturbed landscapes
    Bio-implant numérique pour la recherche préclinique sur les maladies respiratoires et cardio-vasculaires
    Bio-renewable chemicals and smart materials derived from non-edible biomass
    Boreal caribou movement in relation to forage availability and habitat structure within regenerating burns
    Brain Health Model and Simulator
    Bryophyte Ecology in Northern Disturbed Ecosystems
    Canada research chair in Advanced Photonic Technologies for Communications (CRC-APTEC)
    Canada Research Chair in Field Robotics
    Canada Research Chair in Function Spaces, Thoery and Applications
    Canada Research Chair in Integrative Biology of Northern Aquatic Resources
    Canada Research Chair in Modeling Complex Flows
    Canada research chair in Operations Research in Natural Resources
    Canada Research Chair in Radio Access Networks
    Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Carbon sources for extractive metallurgy
    Canada Research Chair in Valorization of non-edible biomass residues into high value platform
    Canada Research Chair on resource recovery and bio-products engineering
    Canadian consortium for Quantum-Engineered States and Transduction (CanQuEST)
    Canadian Statistical Sciences Institutes
    Canadian training program on the evolution of fungal pathogens: EvoFunPath
    Can degraded trees serve as sustainable feedstock for forest bioenergy production?
    Can we bring back biodiversity through restoration of a forested ecosystem resilient to global changes
    Caractérisation de la thermogenèse médiée par le cycle du calcium chez les rongeurs et les humains
    Caractérisation des effets des interactions personne-machine lors de tâches cognitives en réalité virtuelle
    Caractérisation et modélisation de matériaux de construction biosourcés dans le bâtiment
    Caractérisation génomique et transcriptomique des isolats clonaux de la famille des Araceae pour l'utilisation en moléculture afin de produire des ingrédients actifs phytochimiques
    Carrots and sticks : assesing intervention effectiveness for sustainable mobility systems to reduce
    Catalyse industrielle verte
    Catalyseurs d'hydrogénation directe du CO2 en hydrocarbures aromatiques dans la perspective du développement durable
    Causal inference methods for adaptive treatment strategies
    Cell signaling in ovarian function
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis and hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and its congeners
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating histamine's neuromodulator role in the paraventricular hypothalamus
    Central mechanisms underlying postural and volitional control of trunk muscles
    Central mechanisms underlying postural and volitional control of trunk muscles
    Cerebral blood flow regulation during acute increases in blood pressure: Can cerebral sympathetic nervous activity act as a gatekeeper?
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en bâtiments durables - CRC BD
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en Biomatériaux et Bio-ingénierie pour l'Innovation en Chirurgie
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en Communications Systems Enabling the Cloud
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en cristaux liquides et biophotonique comportementale
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en efficacité énergétique
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en Genomics and metabolomics of the symbiosis between tropical plants and microbes
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en logistique intégrée
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en Silicon Photonics
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en Smart Biomedical Microsystems
    Chaire de recherche du Canada en systèmes électriques décentralisés et durables pour communautés intelligentes
    Chaire de recherche du Canada La Neurobiologie de la parole et de l'audition
    Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les bactériophages
    Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les bioaérosols
    Chaire de recherche en horticulture biologique sous serres et en environnement contrôlé.
    Chaire de recherche industrielle du CRSNG en gestion et en surveillance de la qualité de l'eau potable depuis les bassins versants jusqu'au robinet du citoyen
    Chaire de recherche sur la conservation et la restauration des sols organiques cultivés
    Chaire de recherche sur le renforcement des capacités de contrôle des virus d'origine alimentaire (VIROCONTROL)
    Chaire industrielle du CRSNG sur les Systèmes d'Approvisionnement forestier intelligents SAFI
    Characterization and modelling of bio-based insulation materials in the building envelopes for low carbon buildings
    Characterization and modelling of bio-based insulation materials in the building envelopes for low carbon buildings
    Chemogenetic control of liver metabolism
    Chemogenetic mapping of primate brain function
    Chemogenetic mapping of primate brain function
    Chercheur d'un jour
    Chromatin structure and function as a readout of physical interactions
    Chromatographe en phase gazeuse avec détection par spectrométrie de masse
    Circular economy for vinyl plastics
    Classification des essences d'arbres par image plein pied
    Climate control of aquatic microbial ecosystems
    Climate control of aquatic microbial ecosystems
    Climate-Resilien Power Systems : Pioneering a Greener Future through ML-Enabled Sustainable Energy Optimization and Control
    Climate-Resilient Power Systems: Pioneering a Greener Future through ML-Enabled Sustainable Energy Optimization and Control
    Closing the reality Gap in Machine Learning for Speech and Audio
    Coastal aquatic ecosystems: integrators of environmental change in Canada's high Arctic
    Coastal aquatic ecosystems: integrators of environmental change in Canada’s high Arctic
    Cognitive AI and Connected First Responders to the Rescue
    Collaborative robots: novel architectures and interaction paradigms
    Combining noninvasive brain stimulation and neuroimaging to study human brain biology
    Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory
    Complexes polyélectrolytes de nouvelle génération
    Comprehensive design solutions for vehicular bridges using aluminium alloys in a multi-material context
    Comprehensive utilization of minerla reources and waste CO2 gas for enhanced critical metals recovery and permanent CO2 storage
    Comprendre la complexité du domaine lipidique cutané
    Conception de modèles d'aide à la coordination et à la gestion de la chaîne de valeur forestière pour une exécution efficiente de ses activités
    Conception des infrastructures de transports pour le développement du nord
    Conception de surfaces de supports à l'aide d'outils de modélisation
    Conception d’une plateforme d’intelligence urbaine pour des villes intelligentes plus inclusives et résilientes
    Conception, utilisation et validation d'approches novatrices de modélisation des réseaux de discontinuités (DFN) pour la conception géomécanique minière.
    Configuration et pilotage d'une scierie intelligente
    Connecting the dots: The biogenic carbon footprint of power transmission across forested lands
    Consortium de recherche sur les panneaux composites à base de bois (CorePAN - Bois)
    Constained expected utility maximization: appliations un quantitative finance, risk management, life and pension insurance
    Constrained expected utility maximization: applications in quantitative finance, risk management, life and pension insurance
    Construction rapide de ponts 100% en aluminium et assemblages hautes performances par FSW résistants à la fatigue
    Context-Aware Spectrum Sharing and Management for Next Generation Wireless Networks
    Context-Aware Spectrum Sharing and Management for Next Generation Wireless Networks
    Contribution to the understanding of knee joint mechanical response under internal and external constraints in healthy individuals
    Contrôle de la disponibilité de l'eau par les interactions neige-forêt en climat froid et humide
    Control of Noradrenaline in Learned Behaviors
    Controls on nickel, copper, cobalt ore horizons in the Ungava Orogen, Nunavik, Quebec: Towards developing
    CREATE - Intelligent and Autonomous Mine
    CREATE NSERC Innovative Program on NDT (NonDestructive Testing): oN DuTy!
    Cryobotics : a fertile ground for antifragile embodied intelligence
    CRYOTIC - Challenging Robots in Year-around, Outdoor, and Time-critical missions In extreme Conditions
    Dairy bioactive nutrients synergistic effects against inflammation: nutrigenomics and metabolomics approaches.
    Dealing with nonresponse in complex surveys
    Dealing with nonresponse in complex surveys
    Decelerated turbulent boundary layers
    Deciphering the environmental factors behind diatom and Phaecystis Arctic blooms
    Deciphering the impact of chromatin modifications on DNA repair processes.
    Deciphering the physiological role of alpha-synuclein aggregation in the central nervous system
    Deciphering the role of micro RNAs in neuronal maturation using live imaging
    Deciphering the specificity and function of FGD RhoGEFs during skin development
    Deciphering the specificity and function of FGD RhoGEFs during skin development
    Decipher the physiological functions of osteoprotegerin in skeletal and cardiac muscles
    Decision making in the forest value chain
    DEEL DEpendable & Explainable Learning
    Deep Learning with Little Labelled Data
    Deep modular learning and explainable artificial intelligence for multimodal diagnosis, prognosis and maintenance
    Defining nucleosome features regulating the function of chromatin modifiers and remodelers
    Défis et opportunités pour l’industrie québécoise de la canneberge: vers une meilleure gestion des pollinisateurs sauvages
    De l'observation de la Terre à distance aux services d'information décisionnelle (DOTS)
    Dendritic inhibition in hippocampal circuits
    Déploiement technologique du verre cellulaire en ingénierie routière
    Dérivatisation de triterpènes naturels par réactions multicomposantes pour le développement de nouveaux composés bioactifs biosourcés
    Design development and validation of multifunctional coatings, biologically pro-active for regenerative medecine applied to buccal health
    Design écogéotechnique d’aires de nidification des pollinisateurs sauvages dans les cannebergières
     Design écogéotechnique d’aires de nidification des pollinisateurs sauvages dans les cannebergières
    Designing, developing and validating advanced materials and surface modifications for innovative biomaterials and implants
    Design, ingénierie et fabrication automatisés de maisons personnalisées
    Design, Synthesis and Characterization of New Electroactive and Photoactive Polymera
    Déterminants moléculaires et prédiction de la liaison des protéines aux membranes de différentes compositions biologiques
    Déterminer la qualité de la polypharmacie chez les aînés : une approche basée sur l’intelligence artificielle
    Déterminismes moléculaires et sélectifs du maintien du potentiel adaptatif dans un écosystème aquatique hétérogène.
    Developing and managing a more resilient forest supply chain in response to environmental disturbances
    Developing mathematical and computational models to unravel the interactions between bacteria, phages and microbial metabolites
    Developing mathematical and computational models to unravel the interactions between bacteria, phages, and microbial metabolites
    Developing quinoa production in Eastern Canada
    Development and functional characterization of a volumetric fluorescence lifetime videorate
    Development of advanced models for reducing energy and material consumption in the primary production of aluminium industry
    Development of advanced monitoring and control schemes for the primary aluminum industry
    Development of a methodology based on digital holographic microscopy to study cell homeostasis by measuring cell volume dynamics and water fluxes
    Development of a miniaturised integrated optical isolator
    Development of a Raman probe for allergen detection
    Development of environmentally friendly extraction processes for the selective recovery of strategic and critical metals from e-wate products
    Development of master alloys for improving the sintering response and mechanical properties of high performance steel components produced by powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing
    Development of methods and tools for the integrated management of drinking water quality
    Development of new autonomous analytical tools to track the environmental impact of SMR in remote regions
    Development of new carbide cutting tools with a High Entropy Alloy binder to substitute Cobalt
    Development of new methods for the joint modeling of longitudinal ans survival data with applications in finance and insurance
    Development of rostering algorithms considering service levelling. A multi-method approach applied to Emergency Department in health services
    Development of rostering algorithms considering service levelling. A multi-method approach applied to Emergency Department in health services
    Development of strategies to mitigate antibiotic resistance in swine
    Development of strategies to mitigate antibiotic resistance in swine
    Development through novel processing techniques of high-performance functional polymer-based nanomaterials for energy and biotechnological applications
    Développement d'approches pour favoriser la multifonctionnalité des paysages forestiers
    Développement d’approches pour favoriser la multifonctionnalité des paysages forestiers
    Développement de batteries aluminium-air durables pour l'économie verte du Québec : valorisation du secteur aluminium
    Développement de l'Overall Intercation Concept pour les éléments en acier et les matériaux non-linéaires
    Développement de nouvelles connaissances sur les cibles biologiques du 2-hexénal en vue de son utilisation comme bioherbicide
    Développement de nouvelles technologies permettant de réduire les coûts associés au suivi des teneurs en carbone du sol à l'échelle de la ferme
    Développement d'une approche de gestion intelligente et durable de l'énergie dans l'industrie de l'usinage
    Développement d'une carte carbone pour Montréal : inventaire spatio-temporel des émissions urbaines de gaz à effet de serre
    Développement d'une diète pour la production industrielle du virus de la granulose spécifique aux carbocapses (Cydia pomonella)
    Développement d'un substitut biologique de valve cardiaque fabriqué par génie tissulaire
    Développement d'un supplément nutritionnel soluble dans l'eau d'abreuvement afin d'améliorer la santé et la croissance des porcelets sevrés
    Développement et application de protocoles innovants d'ensemencement et de suivi pour la restauration des populations du saumon atlantique
    Développement et caractérisation avancée de bois modifiés chimiquement dans un contexte d'économie circulaire
    Développement et prototypage de systèmes électriques décentralisés et décarbonés
    Développent de méthodes d'imagerie multimodale vasculaire et de l'oxygénation
    Diffractomètre pour monocristal: un besoin urgent pour la recherche et l'entrainement de personnel hautement qualifié à L'Université Laval
    Direct write photolithography for advanced microsystems: chemistry to life sciences
    Discovering the epigenetic mechanisms and factors that influence sex change in dioecious cannabis
    Discovering the epigenetic mechanisms and factors that influence sex change in dioecious cannabis
    Discovering the in-depth material-process-properties relationship for advancing the development of high-performance metallic biomaterials
    Displacement Flows for Cementing Wellbores
    Dissecting mechanisms of cell division by the malaria parasite
    Distant sensing of alpha and beta emitters in nuclear waste management operations through nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence (DABNAI)
    DIVERSE: Nationwide testing of a forest management approach based on functional diversity and connectivity to foster social acceptability and forest resilience to global change
    Diversification of rhamnolipids/glycolipids in heterologous lipogenic yeast hosts using synthetic biology
    Drinking water quality management: sources and urban distribution systems
    Driving brain functions with information-based neuromodulation
    Driving brain functions with information-based neuromodulation
    Dynamic regulation of the neuroimmune response: role of LRRK2 and extracellular vesicles in astrocyte-microglia crosstalk
    Dynamic regulation of the neuroimmune response: role of LRRK2 and extracellular vesicles in astrocyte-microglia crosstalk
    Ecological forecasting for boreal conservation: fire, owls and woodpeckers
    Ecological genomics of anadromous migrations in a changing Arctic
    Ecological genomics of anadromous migrations in a changing Arctic
    Ecological genomics of anadromous migrations in a changing Artic.
    Ecological subsidies and ecosystem function: the role of dislodged seaweeds in the energy flow between coastal habitats
    Écologie comportementale et démographie des grands mammifères terrestres
    Écologie comportementale et démographie des grands mammifères terrestres
    Écologie des perturbations et stress exercés par les grands herbivores des écosystèmes boréaux et arctiques
    Écologie, utilisation de l'espace et démographie du caribou migrateur dans un contexte de changements climatiques
    Ectonucleotidases and Extracellular Nucleotides in Smooth Muscle Cell Contraction
    Effects of water-soluble Amino Acid and Zinc Addition supplementation in Water in a natural disease model challenge in pigs
    Efficient and reliable cryosectioning for the study of embryonic tissues development
    Electric current conditions and machine learning as innovative approaches to enhance biofood electrodialytic process performances and understanding
    Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Conversion
    Elucidating the differential contribution of sulfonation and glucuronidation in controlling nuclear receptor activity
    Elucidating the impacts of spatial connectivity and physical forcing on nutrient supply and primary production in eastern Canadian Arctic and Sub-Arctic seas
    Elucidating the impacts of spatial connectivity and physical forcing on nutrient supply and primary production in eastern Canadian Artic and Sub-Arctic seas
    Elucidating the intracellular mechanisms that regulate mammalian sperm fertilizing ability and motility
    Emergence of air breathing in vertebrates
    EMERGENCE - Repousser le mur de la complexité par la simulation interactive et adaptative
    Emerging technologies and applications of fiber lasers
    Enchères combinatoires pour l'approvisionnement collaboratif des services de transport routier par camions
    Energy Transition Era : A climateric for Sustainable Production Planning and Control in Open Pit Mines
    Enforcing security and safety policies in IoT applications
    Enregistrements morpho-sédimentaires des glaciations sur les côtes et marges continentales
    Enregistrements morpho-sédimentaires des glaciations sur les côtes et marges continentales
    Environmental and climatic risk of degradation of network structures
    Establishing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between microstructural evolution and corrosion behavior of acoustoplastically-treated metallic structures
    Estimating above ground carbon and predicting forest microclimates from lidar measurements
    Étude comparée des projections ascendantes à sérotonine vers les ganglions de la base chez les rongeurs et les primates
    Étude des interactions dans les microbiotes alimentaires complexes
    Étude des mécanismes d'action d'ingrédients prébiotiques et d'un probiotique: impact sur l'écologie du microbiote intestinal et la physiologie d'organoïdes intestinaux
    Étude du mélange d'un scalaire en écoulements turbulents cisaillés libres
    Evaluating the Current and Future Capacity for Natural Climate Solutions in Canada's Oceans
    Évaluation de l'efficacité des cocktails de bactériophages contre la furonculose (1er volet)
    Évaluation des propriétés hydrauliques non saturées par approches semi­analytiques et numériques sur échantillons de sols
    Évaluation, mise à niveau et réhabilitation des barrages en remblai dans un contexte de changements climatiques et de hausse des critères de conception sismique
    Évap-eau: Vers une meilleure compréhension de l'évaporation et des sécheresses estivales du nord-est américain
    Evolution of postglacial landscapes and hydrological gateways in the Foxe Basin – Nettilling Lake region
    EXOGLASS - Verres exotiques pour l'impression 3D et les fibres
    Expanding the boundaries of scintillation dosimetry with data science, signal processing and innovative design
    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Fire Performance of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars
    Exploitation of artificial intelligence for the extraction of emotional characteristics in works of art for the elaboration of artistic exhibition paths in virtual reality
    Exploiting XtalFluor reagents in organic synthesis and develeping new approaches to pentafluorosulfanyl-containing molecules
    Exploration sur les algèbres amassées
    Expression and function of discoidin domain receptor 1 in T cells
    Extension de la méthode de projection en mécanique des fluides
    Fatigue when learning motor skills: When does it matter? Can it help?
    Feeding ecology of outbreak insect species
    Femtosecond laser structuring technology
    Filtering Algorithms Based on Lagrangian Relaxation
    FIRE to forage: Sustaining CARibou habitat in Yukon (FIRESCAR)
    Flexible conductive polymer membranes
    Flexible conductive polymer membranes: preparation and application in energy storage
    Forage de données d'assurance : techniques, éthique, et sécurité
    Fossil Subduction Systems and the Evolution of Plate Tectonics
    Fossil Subduction Systems and the Evolution of Plate Tectonics
    From individual images to the big picture : in situ imaging zooplankton to better understand carbon fluxes in a rapidly changing Artic Ocean
    From individual traits to the big picture : trait-based approaches to predict zooplankton fate in changing Artic Ocean
    From waste to value-added products : sustainable catalytic valorization of waste materials
    Functional and structural characterization of an insect mevalonate pathway enzyme
    Functional Characterization of the Synaptic Interactome of m6A Readers
    Functional Characterization of the Synaptic Interactome of m6A Readers
    Functional data analysis methods for genomics and financial data
    Galaxy clusters environments
    Gallate glasses for the fabrication of active and passive mid-infrared optical fibers
    Genetic and molecular analysis of the siRNA-mediated gene regulation
    GenoPotato, a customized, low-cost, flexible, genomics-based solution for genotyping in potato
    Geochemistry of mineral systems
    Gestion intégrée du blanc du cannabis : biostimulants et génomique
    Global change and the consequence on Artic marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
    Global change and the consequence on Artic marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
    Graph-based Natural Language Querying of Integrated Biological Knowledge Databases (KibioAI)
    Grid Condition and Resilience-Aware Incentivization and Deployment of Distributed Energy Resources
    Grid Condition and Resilience-Aware Incentivization and Deployment of Distributed Energy Resources
    Ground-nesting bee conservation in lowbush blueberry agroecosystems
    Handling singularity and exploiting randomness in Analysis and Dynamics
    Harmonic Analysis and Analytic Function Spaces
    Harnessing microbiomes for sustainable crops
    Harnessing microbiomes for sustainable crops
    High-mix low-volume 3D object detection and tracking
    High-Performance Computing in Medical Physics
    Holistic vitamin strategy to improve the robustness of pigs
    How do Arctic microalgae thrive in the chaotic light field of in-ice and under-ice marine habitats?
    How do Artic microalgae thrive in the chaotic light field of in-ice and under-ice marine habitats.
    How does higher level cognition affect emotion? Neurophysiological and behavioral investigations
    Human-AI Collaboration for Adaptive Command and Control
    Hunter: Mettre en valeur l'inattendu avec la navigation dans les régions extrêmes
    Hybrid Integrated Quantum Light Sources
    Hydrodynamics of cavitating and vortical flows in hydraulic turbomachines in off-design conditions: inception and mitigation
    Hydrodynamics of cavitating and vortical flows in hydraulic turbomachines in off-design conditions: inception and mitigation
    Hydrokinetic Energy : Turbine technologies and Array Deployment Optimization through CFD
    Identification et quantification des services écohydrologiques des agrosystèmes
    If you build it, will they come? On the potential ecological and social benefits of assisted tree migration
    Impact de la fluctuation du ratio globuline:albumine sur les propriétés techno-fonctionnelles et sensorielles d'isolats protéiques de pois en système simple et mixte
    Impact hydroclimatique de l'hydroélectricité en région froide face à une crysophère en changement - le cas du complexe de la Romaine
    Impact of sulfide saturation events on the fertility of porphyry-related magmatic system
    Impact of sulfide saturation events on the fertility or porphyry-related magmatic system
    Impacts of climate change on water quality in water distribution networks
    Implication de diverses protéines dans la fonction des photorécepteurs visuels
    Implication des protéines de la famille S100, des annexines et de leur complexe dans des processus membranaires
    Implications of RNA isoform diversity on gene function and cellular plasticity
    Importance of non-canonical microRNAs in the mammalian brain
    Improved midterm reservoir management model under renewable energy integration
    Improvement of energy efficiency and environmental footprint of AI production process, Phase III: Carbon Anode process
    Improving detection and interpretation of noncoding variants in familial genetic studies
    Improving Food Eco-Efficiency in Canadian Food Services: Conceptualizing Meals with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Reduced Waste and Balanced Nutritional Quality
    Improving machine trafficability through digital forest operations
    Improving Optimization-Based Scheduling and Path Planning Decision Support: An Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Approach with Applications to Surveillance and Search
    Improving seismic risk characterisation and management in underground mines
    Improving seismic risk characterisation and management in underground mines
    Improving sustainable development concrete production practices using a monitoring system of the fresh concrete properties
    Improving the understanding of one of the largest carbon stocks in the American tropics
    Improving Wood Supply System performance for a more competitive forest products industry
    Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory and Applications
    Influence de la microstructure sur la distribution de l'humidité d'équilibre et des déformations dans le bois
    Influence de l’environnent biomécanique et biochimique sur la formation des jonctions intercellulaires et sur la fonctionnalité du tissu.
    Influence des migrations animales sur la réponse des écosystèmes arctiques aux changements globaux
    Influence des migrations animales sur la réponse des écosystèmes arctiques aux changements globaux
    Ingénierie de la sécurité incendie dans les constructions en bois
    Ingénierie d'un système de culture cellulaire auto-suffisant et à faible empreinte environnementale
    Innovation and Interdisciplinary research to understand the causes and mitigate consequences of environmental change un the Boreal Plains
    Innovative bioabsorbable zinc-based materials for potential application as cerebrovascular stents
    Innovative biomedical microsystems driven by data and artificial intelligence
    Innovative deep learning solutions leveraging unlabeled and multi-source annotated datasets to segment and monitorchange in large scale 3D point clouds for Digital Twin Cities
    Innovative Developments of Infrared Vision for Non Destructive Evaluation
    Insect Vectors Invasions and Emergent Plant Diseases
    Integrated Multimodal Travel Behavior Analysis under Mobilitu as a Service
    Integrated surface and subsurface hydrological modelling
     Integrated Water Resources Management for sustainable development using artificial intelligence approaches
    Integration and optimization of resource recovery processes to sustainably produce chemicals and energy from waste (water) flows
    Intégration des données de télédétection (bathymétrie et niveau d'eau) dans les modèles hydrauliques afin d'améliorer la caractérisation de l'aléas inondation
    Intelligent Assistive Technologies in Rehabilitation Engineering for People Living with Upper Limb Disabilities
    Intelligent Nanoscopy of Cellular Plasticity
    Intelligent Reflecting Surface Empowered Transmission Techniques for Next-Generation Communication Systems
    Intelligent Reflecting Surface Empowered Transmission Techniques for Next-Generation Communication Systems
    Interaction between the cell cycle and the circadian clock : mechanism and implications
     Interaction between the cell cycle and the circadian clock : mechanism and implications
    Interactions trophiques et mécanismes de répartition spatiale des grands herbivores
    Interactive reinforcement learning for adaptive experimental design
    Interactive reinforcement learning for adaptive experimental design
    Interpretable Machine Learning for life science data
    Interpretable Machine Learning for life science data
    Intertwined dynamics of neurons and synapses in large neural networks
    Introgression, phylogéographie et niche écologique: Incidences sur le clade des pics boréaux néarctiques
    Investigating bacterial virulence of aquatic pathogens using multiple host-pathogen models
    Investigating the behavioral and cerebral bases of empathy using human computer interactions
    Investigating the effects of electronic cigarettes and cannabis smoke on buccal microbes
    Investigation of musical pitch perception via auditory and tactile modality as a tool to better understand brain plasticity following long-term multisensory training and auditory deprivation
    Investigation of musical pitch perception via auditory and tactile modality as a tool to better understand brain plasticity following longterm training and auditory deprivation
    Investigation of the roles of weak forces and molecular flexibility in enantioselective hydrogenation on chirally modified Pt
    Isoperimetry and spectral geometry
    Iwasawa Theory, Euler Systems and Arithmetic Applications
    Lake biogeochemical dynamics: the conveyor belt between physics and biology
    Lake studies for the paleolimnological assessment of climate change impacts in the Canadian Arctic
    La mobilité urbaine des marchandises : optimisation, simulation et impacts
    Large-Scale Validation of an Innovative ReinforcementTechnique for Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Considering Real Environmental Conditions
    LeafHope: A Comprehensive Toolkit to Reduce Insecticide Use and Greenhouse Gases in Canada
    Le bâtiment comme outil de réduction des émissions de GES
    Le Nord : Changements ENvironnementaux depuis la déglaciation en lien avec le CLimat et l'Anthropisation – Nord- CENCLA
    Le Nord : Changements ENvironnementaux depuis la déglaciation en lien avec le CLimat et l'Anthropisation – Nord- CENCLA
    "Les Fibres Alimentaires Traitées (FAT): Une approche novatrice pour la valorisation intégrale et
    Les milieux humides comme des infrastructures réduisant les risques d'inondation en contexte de changements climatiques
    Les milieux humides comme des infrastructures réduisant les risques d’inondation en contexte de changements climatiques
    Les procédés par biofiltration: polyvalence et modélisation
    Leveraging Senseable Cities for Inclusive Mobility: Dynamic Routing in Disruptive Sidewalks
    Leveraging the Internet of Things and Open Data to Support Clean Energy
    Leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to build an ecosystem of software ecosystems in the context of polyglot microservices-based applications
    L'horticulture biologique sous serres et en environnement contrôlé
    Lipid biomarkers to unravel the processes controlling the role of ice algae in Artic ecosystem dynamics
    Lipid biomarkers to unravel the processes controlling the role of ice algae in Artic ecosystem dynamics
    Lipid biomarkers to unravel the processes controlling the role of ice algae in Artic ecosystem dynamics
    Lipid metabolism in lactating ruminants
    Liquid Crystalline Orientational Excitations in Biological Membranes
    Lithospheric sulfur cycling during Archean orogenesis
    Logistique maritime et portuaire intelligente
    Long reinforcement strategies for underground mines
    Long-term winter ecology and sea ice phenology in subarctic, high-use coastal ecosystems
    Long-term winter ecology and sea ice phenology un subarctic, high use coastal ecosystems
    Machine learning for the insurance industry: predictive models, fraud detection, and fairness
    Magie des maths, ateliers interactifs et championnat des jeux mathématiques
    Management of reinforced concrete infrastructures affected by alkali-reaction and corrosion in a cracked medium
    Manutentionner en tandem : enjeux biomécaniques, de coordination motrice et d'apprentissage moteur
    Marine peptides as templates for the design of novel antimicrobials
    Matériaux innovants pour la conception de serre commerciale dans une perspective d'économie circulaire
    Mathematical Modelling in Neuroscience
    Measurement of the physical properties: Improving mineral exploration and mining at depth
    Mécanisme d’action d’ASPRV1 dans l’inflammation
    Mécanismes de collaboration pour la pérennité de la chaîne de valeur forestière
    Mechanical design of transportation embankments built on thawed permafrost
    Mechanical design of transportation embankments built on thawed permafrost
     Mechanics of soil erosion by water: Mathematical modelling and laboratory experimentation
    Mechanisms Involved in the Modulation of Cellular Metabolism and Functional Responses by EndocrineDisrupting
    Mechanisms of endocytosis and transcytosis into endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier
    Mechanisms of experience-induced brain plasticity in the adult speech system
    Mechanisms of experience-induced brain plasticity in the adult speech system
    Mechanisms of host colonization in conifer-feeding insects
    Mechanisms of host colonization in conifer--feeding insects
    Mechanisms of release and signaling functions of ciliary vesicles
    Mechanistic Studies of Amino Acid Homeostasis and Organellar Crosstalk by GATOR1.
    Mechanistic studies of RNA-binding proteins regulating local RNA translation at synapses
    Mechanistic studies of RNA-binding proteins regulating local RNA translation at synapses
    Medical physics and biomedical technology development for next generation dose measurement, optimization and computation tools
    Metallogeny of orogenic gold deposits
    Metallogeny of the Upper Beaver deposit
    Methods to study the long-term effects of nanoparticles in vivo
    Microfluidic-based detection of citrate levels in human semen
    Mitigation of biochar self-ignition
    Mitigation of peat extraction impacts by a new peat harvesting method protecting the peatland stored solid carbon
    Modèles multi-physiques performants et robustes dans le domaine de la construction hybride en bois.
    Modeling, inference and risk aggregation for dependent insurance losses
    Modélisation des matériaux composites à base de bois
    Modelling and Diagnostic of Anomalies in Francis Turbines MD-Francis
    Modelling the effects of environmental conditions on wood physicomechanical properties
    Modification and characterisation or surfaces and plasma processes for biotechnical applications
    Modulation des interactions et de l’agrégation des protéines en système mixte par le couplage de technologies émergentes et durables
    Modulation des interactions protéines-polyphénols et évaluation des propriétés techno-fonctionnelles et de la bioaccessibilité des complexes mixtes formés en systèmes alimentaires modèles
    Modulation des interactions protéines-polyphénols et évaluation des propriétés techno-fonctionnelles et de la bioaccessibilité des complexes mixtes formés en systèmes alimentaires modèles
    Modulation of memory encoding by the bloodbrain
    Modulation of memory encoding by the blood-brain barrier
    Molecular detection of cranberry fruit rot fungi and fungicide resistance management
    Molecular mechanisms defining the size of biological tubes in vivo
    Mortality modelling and insurance valuation : addressing emerging risks and actuarial-financial interactions
    Mortality modelling and insurance valuation : addressing emerging risks and actuarial-financial interactions
    Mouvements de terrain et les effets du climat
    Multi-hierarchical methodologies for improving visibility and agility of forest products supply chains
    Multi-hierarchical methodologies for improving visibility and agility of forest products supply chains
    Multimodal imaging system for the eye with tomography and spectroscopy
    Multiphase multilayer viscoplastic displacement flows: Controlling interfacial patterns
    Multiscale modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Multiscale modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Multi-user and low-cost silicon interposer platform for bio-quantum systems
    Multivariate Statistics : Exact inference, copulas and directions
    Muscle growth and hypoxia : Implications for breast muscle myopathies in chickens
    Muscle growth and hypoxia: Implications for breast muscle myopathies in chickens
    Nanoblog processing
    NANOCLIPO - Environmental dissemination of NaNOplastics: Impact of pedoCLimatic conditions and consequences on associated POllutants
    Nanoparticle-containing polymers and soft materials for applications in radiology, oncology and ophthalmology
    Nanoplastics in the Artic : presence source and fate
    Nanoplastics in the Artic: presence, source and fate
    NATural and disturbed wetland CARbon Budgets to support conservation strategies and fight climate change in Quebec and Canada
    Naturalisation et décarbonation des bâtiments d'élevage dans une perspective de production animale durable
    Naturalisation et décarbonation des bâtiments d'élevage dans une perspective de production animale durable
    Natural Product Chemistry of Plans and Lichens From Northern Ecosystems
    Natural Product Chemistry of Plants and Lichens From Northern Ecosystems
    Natural product synthesis and development of synthesis-enabling methodologies
    Nature-based solutions: Restoration of peatlands for biodiversity recovery and climate change mitigation
    Neural mechanisms underlying the adaptive plasticity of human locomotion
    Neuromorphic Optical Nanomaterials for Brain-Inspired Computing
    Neuromorphic Optical Nanomaterials for Brain-Inspired Computing
    New approaches for the design and synthesis of heterocyclic and macrocyclic bioactive peptidomimetics
    New bioabsorbable metallic biomaterials and competitive fabrication processes for Global Health, including neurosurgery
    New glassy Materials and Optical fibers for wellbeing in Society.
    New Latent Variable Methods for selection of raw materials, process monitoring and product quality control
    New methods for Green Organic Synthesis
    New radioanalytical tools for the detection of naturally-occurring and anthropogenic radionuclides
    Next generation of design methods and building systems for imporving energy efficiency.
    Next generation treatment planning algorithms for brachytherapy
    Next-generation viral vectors for in vivo delivery of optogenetic tools
    Next-generation Wood Construction
    Normal numbers and the multiplicative structure of integers
    Northern biodiversity in a mining context
    Nouveau dispositif d'analyse thermogravimétrique couplé à la spectroscopie infrarouge
    Nouveaux algorithmes d’interaction fluide-structure appliqués à des concepts de turbines novateurs
    Nouvelles méthodes pour le traitement, l’analyse et la représentation de flux de données massives géospatiales
    Nouvelle technique de fabrication d'ensilage pour réduire les pertes à la récolte et à améliorer la qualité des ensilages.
    Novate climate feedbacks in the Arctic
    Novel approaches to metal free catalysis
    Novel approach to evaluate the efficacy of preventive methods against alkali-silica reaction in concrete and review of the mechanisms involved
    Novel climate feedbacks in the Artic
    Novel Effluent Desalination Processes: Sustainable Water Recovery and Energy Generation in Mining Sites
    Novel Effluent Desalination Processes: Sustainable Water Recovery and Energy Generation in Mining Sites
    Novel phosphotyrosine signalling pathways during mitosis
    Novel strategies to mitigate GHG emissions from urban forestry waste
    Novel Synthetic Design and Methods for Atomically Precise Nanographenes
    NSERC/Canada Wildfire Strategic Network
    NSERC CREATE Canadian Training Program on Natured-Based Solutions for Ecosystem Restoration (NASER)
    NSERC CREATE in Responsible Health and Healthcare Data Science
    NSERC CREATE in Water and Sanitation for Low-resource Contexts
    NSERC CREATE Training program in Persistent, Emerging, and Oil PoLlution in cold marine Environments (PEOPLE CREATE)
    NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
    NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design
    NSERC/Intact financial industrial research Chair in machine learning for insurance
    NSERC ResNet: A network for monitoring, modelling, and managing Canada's ecosystem services for sustainability and resilience
    Numérisation 3D de précision des puits de mine
    OFI SF9 Portable Imaging Cytometer for Autonomous, Low-Cost Monitoring of Microorganisms, Ecosystems and Water Pollution in Oceans and Lakes
    On conformal field theory and dark matter
    On the mathematical description of complex networked systems
    Optimisation de l'exploitation de l'information sur la vulnérabilité des sources d'eau potable
    Optimisation des techniques de conservation et d'ensilage pour la valorisation des résidus de couvoirs par la bioconversion des larves de mouches soldats noires
    Optimization of Large-Scale Real-Time Problems in Urban Contexts
    Optimization of urban mobility of people and freight: Models and algorithms to design policies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    Optimizing sampling design, data integration, and methods for understanding population dynamics and predicting ecological changes
    Optimizing sampling design, data integration, and methods for understanding population dynamics and predicting ecological changes
    Optimizing sampling design, data integration, and methods for understanding population dynamics and predicting ecological changes
    Optimizing upper limb control and performance by reducing the impact of fatigue
    optogenetic investigation of brain circuit development and plasticity
    Organic Electronic Materials
    Organic (semi) conducting materials for 3D printed electronic sensing devices
    Organofluorine Chemistry: From New Synthetic Methods to New Reactivity
    Origin of hydrothermal deposits
    Outils d'aide à la décision en temps réel pour le développement responsable en matière de biodiversité
    Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et d'optimisation des performances des systèmes assujettis à des perturbations aléatoires
    Outils de conception thermique des infrastructures de génie civil dans le contexte des changements climatiques
    Outils numériques en conception industrielle : simulation multiphysique et géométrie complexe
    Oxidized Cyclic Fatty Acid Monomers From Polyunsaturated Oils: Formation, Structures and Potential Biological Activities
    Oxidizing Functional Groups : Looking for New Types of Extreme Properties in Main-group Compounds
    Oxidizing Functional Groups: Looking for New Types of Extreme Properties in Main-group Compounds
    PAC-Bayesian transfer learning: theroy and algorithms
    PAC-Bayesian transfer leraning: theory and algorithms
    Paramétrisation minéralogique de la performance métallurgique pour une gestion automne transversale de la production minière
    Parametrization and validation of the NSEEV Attention Model for Visual and Auditory scenes
    PARCS en Santé: Contrôler les agents pathogènes transmis par les tiques tout en protégeant la biodiversité des parcs nature péri-urbains.
    Partenariat industriel de recherche pour une construction écoresponsable en bois
    Permafrost aggradation and degradation in relation to disturbance in isostatically uplifted landscapes of the Hudson Bay region
    Permafrost aggradation and degradation in relation to disturbance in isostatically uplifted landscapes of the Hudson Bay region
    Phosphotyrosine signalling during mitosis.
    Photocatalytic Remediation Improving Mining Economy and Sustainability (PRIMES)
    Photonic integrated circuits for advanced sensing
    Photonics devices for optical communications and sensing
    Physics - driven image compositing
    physioLens: a novel technology to standardize and democratize respiratory research on lung tissue
    Physiological regulation of tau protein
    Planificaiton des transports dans un environnement dynamique et stochastique
    Planification de projets de réfection de navires
    Planification et contrôle adaptatif des systèmes de production
    Plant-soil interaction in a changing world: how the past can help the future
    Plant-soil interaction in a changing world: how the past can help the future
    PLASTICS: Plastic Affordance through Science and Technology Innovation for Circular Solutions
    Post-pandemic sustainability of the Canadian pork industry: upgrading by-products to added-value goods. From feed to food and advanced purified hydrogels for cosmetics and health
    Prébiotiques de nouvelle génération par électroactivation en solution du lactosérum et de son perméat
    Precursor study of galaxy cluster environments
    Precursor study of galaxy cluster environments
    Prédire l'évolution de l'hépatite C par la fédération de données et l'intelligence artificielle : enjeux éthiques, juridiques, sociaux et de vie privée
    Présence, Source et comportement des nano- et microplastique dans les ressources en eau
    Prise en compte des changements climatiques dans la planification forestière à long terme.
    Prise en compte des changements climatiques dans la planification forestière à long terme.
    Probing the origins and crosstalk between the different Leydig cell populations in the mammalian gonad
    Programme de formation pour le leadership en science et ingénierie des systèmes manufacturiers 4.0 (volet industriel)
    Programme d'interventions pratiques visant à décarbonisation le transport routier
    Programming the oocyte's legacy
    Projecteur volumétrique à base de points quantiques
    Pushing the boundaries of super-resolution optical microscopy for molecular imaging in live tissue
    Qualité et innocuité de la viande de porc du Québec : approches métatranscriptomiques, génomiques et conventionnelles
    Quality control and progress monitoring from large-scale 3D point clouds
    Quantified and Corrected Photonic Integrated Circuits (QC-PIC)
    Quantifying the genomic sources of evolutionary innovations through integrative biology.
    Quantitative approaches to decipher neuronal network function in situ
    Quantitative approaches to decipher neuronal network function in situ
    Rapidly Deployable Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
    Réalisation d'un réseau expérimental intégré pour évaluer la mise en oeuvre de la migration assistée des essences forestières
    Recherche sur la diversité et l'évolution de la bactérie Brochothrix thermosphacta
    Recombinant cystatins in plants
    Reconnaissance du jeu chez le porcelet, sous toutes ses formes, par apprentissage automatique sur les données d'accélérométrie et par vision numérique
    Reconstruction de surface et modélisation 3D:exploration des représentations implicites
    Recovery of strategic materials from Zinc plant residue
    Recycling concrete aggregate in precast concrete applications and enhancement of their property by carbonation
    Redox signaling : a key element for the development of new post-harvest conditioning technologies
    Redox signaling: A key element for the development of new post-harvest conditioning technologies
    Refining processes to maximize the provision of donor human milk rich in nutrients and bioactive components: An integrated multidisciplinary approach at a human milk bank serving critically-ill neonates.
    Regulation of Cellular Energy Metabolism in Mammary Epithelial Cells
    Regulation of nuclear dynamics by tyrosine kinase signaling
    Replacement of lead-silver anodes with Ti-based anodes in zinc electrowinning process: (feasibility, coating developement, side effects, performance and energy efficiency)
    Rescuing invitro cultured bovine embryos by a metabolic programming of the epigenetic response to culture
    Richer sensors and challenging environments : filling a gap in training field robotic perception systems
    Richers sensors and challenging environments : filling a gap in training field robotic perception systems
    Risk models with dependence: construction, properties, and risk measurement.
    Robust Bounded Repair Methodologies for Composite Aircraft Structures, CBOND
    Rôle de la prédation dans les cycles de rongeurs arctiques : une approche multifonctionnelle
    Rôle de la prédation dans les cycles de rongeurs arctiques: une approche multifonctionnelle
    Rôle de la prédation dans les cycles de rongeurs arctiques: une approche multifonctionnelle
    Rôle de la tique d'hiver dans l'écologie des populations d'orignaux dans l'Est du Canada
    Rôle de la variabilité des composés mineurs du lait bovin sur la performance des procédés fromagers
    Rôle de la variabilité des composés mineurs du lait bovin sur la performance des procédés fromagers
    Role of DSCAM in the development and maintenance of motor circuits
    Role of the interaction of secretory phospholipase A2 enzymes and bacterial extracellular vesicles in the homeostasis of the immune system
    Role of the nuclear isoforms of the RNA-binding proteins named FXRP in DNA damage response
    Rôles adaptatifs des symbioses mutualistes hôte-microbiote chez les Téléostéens de l'Amazone
    Roles of matricryptins (bioactive extracellular matrix fragments) in adipose tissue
    Roles of melanocytes in choroid homeostasis
    Roles of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 in mammalian transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair of DNA damage
    Roles played by transzonal projections in the making of a high quality oocyte
    SAM68-induced regulation of cellular metabolism through mTOR mRNA splicing and stabilization
    Sensorimotor processing and body motion perception
    Séquestration de carbone et valorisation de sites dégradés par la culture
    Sex-and-region-dependent blood-brain barrier integrity: demystifying the intertwined crosstalk between neurovascular functions and coping behaviors
    Sex-and region-dependent blood-brain barrier integrity: demystifying the interwined crosstalk between neurovascular functions and coping behaviors
    Shotcrete placement automation for improved quality and zero rebound losses
    SIGNALS and SITELLE: Massive stars and HII regions in nearby galaxies with imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
    Silv@21 - Advancing Silviculture in Canadian Forests : Adapting to New Realities from Seed to Timber
    Simulateur matériel en boucle (hardware-in-the-loop) pour évaluer la cyber-sécurité des systèmes cyberphysiques
    SMAC - Sciences et mathématiques en action
    Smart myoelectric hand prosthesis driven by embedded artificial intelligence
    Smart Personalized Medical Platform for Cancer Diseases
    Solar Light-Driven Nanomaterials for Green and Sustainable Energy Applications
    Solitons et extensions du modèle standard en physique des particules
    Space-time parallel algorithms for large scale simulations and optimization problems governed by partial differential equations
    Stabilisation du bois dans un contexte d'économie circulaire
    Stellar Populations in Star-forming Galaxies
    Stressed to a T: The role of stress granule dynamics in regulating effector T cell function
    Structural and functional studies of natural product biosynthetic enzymes
    Studying interactions between noroviruses and their environment to reduce foodborne transmission
    Study of the fundamental role of interfacial mobilities during phase transformations in aluminium alloys
    Study on the viscoelastic properties of gels from the extra-cellular matrix of decellularized tissue for therapeutic applications in cardiac and parenchymal issue
    Supply chain optimization in the modern world
    Supply Chain Optimization under Uncertainty
    Supporting public acceptance regarding the presence of radioactivity in projets involving natural resources via the development of new radioanalytical tools
    Sustainable animal protein production
    Sustainable carbon electrodes for metallurgical processes
    Sustainable concretes with low shrinkage cracking sensitivity
    Sustainable Development of Ultra-High Performance Concretes Containing Municipal Solid Waste
    Sustainable Power Grids with High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources
    Sustainable silvicultural systems and management strategies for boreal old-growth forests and their key attributes
    Sylviculture adaptée au changement climatique
    Synthesis of complex organohalogens from carbohydrates
    Système de diagnostic de l'acidité, de la qualité des amendements et de recommandation d'application calcique (DAQARA) dans les sols agricoles
    Système de pilotage dynamique des micro-tâches associées à l'usinage de pièces métalliques alimenté par des modèles prédictifs
    Système d'observation et de prédiction des changements de biodiversité
    Système intelligent de planification et d'exécution manufacturière dans les environnements reconfigurables
    Systèmes mixtes protéines-polysaccharides: assemblage en milieu complexe et fonctionnalités
    Systèmes robotiques pour l'assemblage de structures légères de grande dimension
    Systems modelling of microbial communities using in vitro and computational approaches
    Systems modelling of microbial communities using in vitro and computational approaches
    Taking advantage of the longitudinal or spatial correlation structure with complex or unstructured data
    Thalamic gating during sleep oscillations
    The carbon cycling of eastern Quebec boreal forests in the context of climate change and hydropower production
    The circadian clock control of enamel formation: its role and regulatory links to the storeoperated Ca2 + entry
    The combined role of cellular force dynamics and extracellular matrix mechanical properties in driving angiogenesis
    The ecology and functions of plant communities in agroecosystems
    The ecology and functions of plant communities in agroecosystems
    The epigenetic regulation of brain gene networks
    The function of effector proteins of Pseudozyma flocculosa in a tritrophic interaction plant-pathogen-biocontrol agent
    The hydrologic empacts of a subarctic landscape in transition
    The hydrologic impacts of a subarctic landscape in transition
    The Interplay between the Attended and the Unattended : A gateway to automatic and controlled processing
    The mixed blessings of rare earth elements as critical minerals
    The Path to Optimize Lens Design For Non Paraxial Propagation
    The physiological role of airway smooth muscle
    The relevance of animal play for animal welfare
    The relevance of animal play for animal welfare
    Thermoplastic Composite for Advanced Air Mobility
    The role of conformational dynamics in viral fusion proteins epitopes presentation and recognition for antibody engineering applications
    The role of groundwater flow in degrading permafrost environments
    Tissue-Targeted Scaffolds: Integrating Tissue-Specific Biological Cues to Enhance Bioactivity
    Titanium recyclability and valorization experience
    Tools to decipher neuronal signalling and computation
    Toward a carbon economy: CO2, a source of sustainable wealth
    Toward defining the transcriptional ecosystem
    Towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating liver metabolism in response to fasting
    Towards a computational understanding of pain
    Towards advanced design and performance assessment approaches for the new generation of lightweight pedestrian structures
    Towards a virtual cardiovascular system for understanding arterial stiffness and blood flow
    Towards Developing a Physically Based Ice Jam Flood Early Warning System
    Towards Developing a Physically Based Ice Jam Flood Early Warning System
    Towards digital twin based control of water resource recovery facilities - Methods supporting the use of adaptive hybrid twins
    Toward self-sufficiency in apiculture for food security in a net-zero economy
    Towards Net-zero Emissions: Mechanics, Processes and Materials to Support Risk-Based Well Decommissioning
    Towards new generations of high-tensile eco-friendly fabric-reinforced cementitious matrices (FRCM) retrofitting solutions
    Towards Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
    Toxicité des rayons ultraviolets sous l’angle de la mitochondrie
    Training the future leaders in urban forestry (Ufor)
    Transferts Externes - Antimicrobial resistance genes in bioaerosols in Canadian arctic, rural, and urban environments: sources, profiles, transport and fate
    Transforming garbage into gold: development of experimental tools to study nutritional dynamics of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illuscens Linnaeus 1758)
    Transport électrifié : une approche collaborative et axée sur les données pour une ville intelligente
    Understanding carbon and nitrogen dynamics in cropped soils: a key to mitigate climate change and ensure future food security
    Understanding carbon and nitrogen dynamics in cropped soils: a key to mitigate climate change and ensure future food security
    Understanding how the master transcriptional regulator HOXA5 defines cell fate in the developing embryo
    Understanding interactions between pain, body perception and motor control.
    Understanding mitochondria and lipids droplet interactions in cell biology
    Understanding the specificity and regulation of NCK adaptor proteins
    Understanding the world behind the image
    Universal Wavefunction Forms for Strong and Weak Electron Correlation in Quantum Chemistry
    Unraveling coding strategies for somatosensation
    Unraveling the active mycorrhizal helper microbiome in agroecosystems
    Unraveling the active mycorrhizal helper microbiome in agroecosystems
    Unraveling the evolutionary history of the green algae and their genomes
    Unraveling the role of mRNA translation in dopaminergic axon development
    Unravelling the functions of Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase A in axonal transport and neuromuscular junction development and maintenance
    Unveiling effectortriggered immunity by Plasmodiophora brassicae as a source of durable clubroot disease resistance
    Unveiling effector-triggered immunity by Plasmodiophora brassicae as a source of durable clubroot disease resistance
    Upgraded infrastructure for Tb/s optical components and communications
    Use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a screening model to study host-microbiota interactions along ecogradients
    Utilisation des dérivés d'insectes et des phytodérivés pour améliorer la santé du porcelet et combatte les pathogènes alimentaires.
    Valorisation Intégrée des co-produits par des Technologies ALimentaires écoefficientes dans le cadre d'une Économie circulaire (Consortium VITALE)
    Value chain collaboration and coordination
    Valuing cellulose filaments in innovative, sustainable, and renewable bioproducts
    Végétalisation de perturbations minérales composées de particules fines dans la toundra du Bas-Arctique par des approches de restauration écologique
    Vers des directives de sécurité exploitables pour l'audit de conformité de l'IoT et l'intégration avec la Fiabilité
    Vers la vérification et certification d'algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle
    Vers un béton durable à faible empreinte carbone : Innovations pour l'avenir de la construction
    Virage numérique de la presse québécoise
    Visible Fiber Lasers
    Vitamin D supplementation to improve laying hen robustness, longevity, and egg quality
    Vulnerability of eastern Canadian forests to climate warming: environmental drivers, plasticity and climatic thresholds
    Wastewater-based health monitoring in northern communities in Nunavik
    Waves - Waveform Analysis for Vehicles in Extreme Scenarios
    Wood Supply System's performance: productivity and log quality
    Zéro perte nette de milieux humides : en route vers des approches de restauration éclairées