Programme(s) de recherche actif(s)
Projet(s) actif(s) |
Action des microvésicules dans les tissus solides
Adaptation and acclimatization to high altitude in rodents
Advanced optical techniques for tissue identification and visulisation
All-fiber quantum optics with colloidal nanosemiconductors
Allogeneic dermis to accelerate the production of a tissue-engineered skin substitute to treat Canadian burn patients
Améliorer la compréhension et les potentialités des systèmes de prévision hydrologique d'ensemble à court-moyen terme.
A novel class of small non-coding RNAs
Apis mellifera ion channels and tools to study agroecosystems contaminants
ArcticNet, cross-sector research in support of the sustainable development of the Canadian Arctic
Arctic viral ecology in water, ice and aerosols
Artificial Intelligence meets Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding in smart sustainable cities
A structural, kinematical, dynamical and thermodynamical study of galactic gas complexes
Automation of Basic Forestry Operations
Bacterial biofilms as sustainable catalytic materials studied in customized microfluidic bioanalytical flow-cells.
Bacteriophages and plasmids in Streptococcus thermophilus
Bioaérosols: développement et application de stratégies de contrôle
Can degraded trees serve as sustainable feedstock for forest bioenergy production?
Catalyse industrielle verte
Cell signaling in ovarian function
Chaire de recherche industrielle du CRSNG en gestion et en surveillance de la qualité de l'eau potable depuis les bassins versants jusqu'au robinet du citoyen
Chaire de recherche sur le renforcement des capacités de contrôle des virus d'origine alimentaire (VIROCONTROL)
Chemogenetic control of liver metabolism
Climate control of aquatic microbial ecosystems
Cluster 1.1: Ocean and BIogeochemical Processes - phase 0
Cluster 3.3 : Coastal-Zone Mitigation and Adaptation Solutions (C-MAS) for Climate Change Readiness - phase 0
Collaborative robots: novel architectures and interaction paradigms
Combining noninvasive brain stimulation and neuroimaging to study human brain biology
Comment le droit peut-il contribuer à un développement durable, sans perte nette de milieux humides?
Comprehensive design solutions for vehicular bridges using aluminium alloys in a multi-material context
Comprendre la complexité du domaine lipidique cutané
CREATE NSERC Innovative Program on NDT (NonDestructive Testing): oN DuTy!
Dairy bioactive nutrients synergistic effects against inflammation: nutrigenomics and metabolomics approaches.
Decelerated turbulent boundary layers
Deciphering the impact of chromatin modifications on DNA repair processes.
Deciphering the specificity and function of FGD RhoGEFs during skin development
Déterminismes moléculaires et sélectifs du maintien du potentiel adaptatif dans un écosystème aquatique hétérogène.
Development of a nanoparticle-based vaccine candidate to the SARS-CoV-2
Development of master alloys for improving the sintering response and mechanical properties of high performance steel components produced by powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing
Développent de méthodes d'imagerie multimodale vasculaire et de l'oxygénation
Direct lineage reprogramming of astrocytes to new oligodendrocytes for the treatment of demyelinating disease
Ecological forecasting for boreal conservation: fire, owls and woodpeckers
Ecological genomics of anadromous migrations in a changing Artic.
Ecological subsidies and ecosystem function: the role of dislodged seaweeds in the energy flow between coastal habitats
Enforcing security and safety policies in IoT applications
Enregistrements morpho-sédimentaires des glaciations sur les côtes et marges continentales
Étude du mélange d'un scalaire en écoulements turbulents cisaillés libres
Évaluation des propriétés hydrauliques non saturées par approches semianalytiques et numériques sur échantillons de sols
Evolution of postglacial landscapes and hydrological gateways in the Foxe Basin – Nettilling Lake region
Excellence in advanced cancer clinical trials initiative (the ExACCT Initiavive)
Expression and function of discoidin domain receptor 1 in T cells
Fossil Subduction Systems and the Evolution of Plate Tectonics
Functional and structural characterization of an insect mevalonate pathway enzyme
Genetic and molecular analysis of the siRNA-mediated gene regulation
How do Artic microalgae thrive in the chaotic light field of in-ice and under-ice marine habitats.
How does higher level cognition affect emotion? Neurophysiological and behavioral investigations
Importance of non-canonical microRNAs in the mammalian brain
Indigenous Research Fund
Influence de la microstructure sur la distribution de l'humidité d'équilibre et des déformations dans le bois
Influence des migrations animales sur la réponse des écosystèmes arctiques aux changements globaux
Innovative Developments of Infrared Vision for Non Destructive Evaluation
Integrated Water Resources Management for sustainable development using artificial intelligence approaches
Integration and optimization of resource recovery processes to sustainably produce chemicals and energy from waste (water) flows
Interaction between the cell cycle and the circadian clock : mechanism and implications
International Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Investigating bacterial virulence of aquatic pathogens using multiple host-pathogen models
Investigating the behavioral and cerebral bases of empathy using human computer interactions
Investigating the effects of electronic cigarettes and cannabis smoke on buccal microbes
Knowledge Mobilization
Knowledge Network on Mining Encounters and Indigenous Sustainable Livelihoods: Cross-Perspectives from the Circumpolar North and Melanesia/Australia (MinErAL)
Lake biogeochemical dynamics: the conveyor belt between physics and biology
Large Research Projects
Large Research Projects - Ship time
Le Nord : Changements ENvironnementaux depuis la déglaciation en lien avec le CLimat et l'Anthropisation – Nord- CENCLA
L'expérience de la séparation parentale et de la recomposition familiale dans la société québécoise : Acteurs, enjeux et parcours
Lithospheric sulfur cycling during Archean orogenesis
Marine peptides as templates for the design of novel antimicrobials
Measurement of the physical properties: Improving mineral exploration and mining at depth
Mechanics of soil erosion by water: Mathematical modelling and laboratory experimentation
Mechanisms of experience-induced brain plasticity in the adult speech system
Mechanisms of host colonization in conifer-feeding insects
Mechanistic Studies of Amino Acid Homeostasis and Organellar Crosstalk by GATOR1.
Medical physics and biomedical technology development for next generation dose measurement, optimization and computation tools
Metallogeny of the Upper Beaver deposit
Modélisation des matériaux composites à base de bois
Modulation of memory encoding by the bloodbrain
Music training as an innovative approach to the treatment of dyslexia: a two-year experimental study with 8-10 year-old children in the province of Quebec
Natural product synthesis and development of synthesis-enabling methodologies
New approaches for the design and synthesis of heterocyclic and macrocyclic bioactive peptidomimetics
New glassy Materials and Optical fibers for wellbeing in Society.
New radioanalytical tools for the detection of naturally-occurring and anthropogenic radionuclides
Next generation of design methods and building systems for imporving energy efficiency.
Normal numbers and the multiplicative structure of integers
Novel Synthetic Design and Methods for Atomically Precise Nanographenes
NSERC CREATE in Responsible Health and Healthcare Data Science
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design
NSERC ResNet: A network for monitoring, modelling, and managing Canada's ecosystem services for sustainability and resilience
Opportunity Fund
Optimization of Large-Scale Real-Time Problems in Urban Contexts
Organofluorine Chemistry: From New Synthetic Methods to New Reactivity
Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et d'optimisation des performances des systèmes assujettis à des perturbations aléatoires
Phosphotyrosine signalling during mitosis.
Photonic integrated circuits for advanced sensing
Pour une nouvelle gouvernance des musées: défis et perspectives
Prébiotiques de nouvelle génération par électroactivation en solution du lactosérum et de son perméat
Projet ArcticKelp
Quantifying the genomic sources of evolutionary innovations through integrative biology.
Quantitative approaches to decipher neuronal network function in situ
Regulation of Cellular Energy Metabolism in Mammary Epithelial Cells
Replacement of lead-silver anodes with Ti-based anodes in zinc electrowinning process: (feasibility, coating developement, side effects, performance and energy efficiency)
Research Implementation Unit/Technical Support
Role of polySia in cancer immune evasion
Roles of melanocytes in choroid homeostasis
SIGNALS and SITELLE: Massive stars and HII regions in nearby galaxies with imaging Fourier transform spectroscopy
Simulateur matériel en boucle (hardware-in-the-loop) pour évaluer la cyber-sécurité des systèmes cyberphysiques
Smart Personalized Medical Platform for Cancer Diseases
Solitons et extensions du modèle standard en physique des particules
Soutien à la recherche TCA
Stellar Populations in Star-forming Galaxies
Structural and functional studies of natural product biosynthetic enzymes
Supply chain optimization in the modern world
Supply Chain Optimization under Uncertainty
Système de diagnostic de l'acidité, de la qualité des amendements et de recommandation d'application calcique (DAQARA) dans les sols agricoles
The epigenetic regulation of brain gene networks
The Interplay between the Attended and the Unattended : A gateway to automatic and controlled processing
The physiological role of airway smooth muscle
Tissue engineering to treat Canadian burn patients: the Self-Assembled Skin Substitutes (SASS)
Tools to decipher neuronal signalling and computation
Toward defining the transcriptional ecosystem
Towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating liver metabolism in response to fasting
Training and Exchange Programs
Transforming Climate Action: Addressing the Missing Ocean
Understanding how the master transcriptional regulator HOXA5 defines cell fate in the developing embryo
Understanding interactions between pain, body perception and motor control.
Understanding the world behind the image
Vers la vérification et certification d'algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle
Visible Fiber Lasers