Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
Blueberry polyphenol metabolites: biodistribution and mechanisms of protection at the blood-brain barrier
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval (Reconnu FRQ - secteur santé), Serge Rivest
Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord sur les virus pandémique et thérapies antivirales, Mariana Baz Etchebarne
Elucidate the role of KLF4 in regulating mural cell contribution to tissue repair after stroke, Ayman El Ali
Exploring the role of phosphoinositides in the trafficking of proteins to the apical complex in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, Dave Richard
Microglia as a viral reservoir for HIV-1 in the human brain and its role in neuroinflammation, Michel J. Tremblay
Modulation de l'expression génétique des monocytes, des médiateurs solubles et des voies de signalisation par les cannabinoïdes, Cristoforo Silvestri
Neonatal ILCs Sculpt Long-term Adult Immune Response, Marie-Renée Blanchet
Sex chromosomes dictate Th17 cell pathogenicity in a model of progressive CNS autoimmunity
Therapeutic approach to preserve Tfh cells and improve B cell immunity in simian immunodeficiency virus infected rhesus macaques, Jérôme Estaquier
Therapeutic properties of innate immune cells and system for brain diseases., Serge Rivest
Understanding and rejuvenating microglial phagocytosis as mean to inhibit progression of tauopathies in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease, David Gosselin