Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
A comprehensive study of the natural history of OPMD: An essentiel step towards clinical trial readiness and evidence-based interventions, Élise Duchesne
Adrenergic control of liver metabolism in obesity and diabetes, Alexandre Caron
Advancing Health Equity and Preventive Care among Indigenous and Remote Communities: a Mobile Healthcare Unit, Marie-Eve Piché
Advancing Understanding and Care for Complex Post-Immunization Syndromes, Tiffannie Kenny
Air pollution, climate and COPD: acute and long-term impacts in Canadian populations, François Maltais
Améliorer la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire en considérant les stresseurs psychosociaux au travail, Xavier Trudel
A multicenter skin research group focusing on novel treatment for epidermolysis
Anticoagulation and Convalescent Plasma ICU Trials in REMAP-CAP
Apnea, sex and FMO: Are flavin-containing monooxygenases the new anti-ox that prevent metabolic disorders under intermittent hypoxia?, Vincent Joseph
A Study of Reduced Dosing of the Nonavalent HPV Vaccine in Women Living with HIV, Marie-Louise Vachon
BALANCE+: A Platform Trial for Gram Negative Bloodstream Infections, François Lauzier
Biology of S100A8 and S100A9 proteins in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Frédéric Barabé
BRAINapt: TBI International Adaptive Platform Trial, Alexis Turgeon-Fournier
Brain magnetic stimulation to reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease, Thérèse Di Paolo-Chênevert
Canadian Population Screening for Risk of Type 1 Diabetes Research Consortium, Holly Witteman
Cartographie évolutive SSA, France Légaré
Cellular characterization of a novel putative immune biomarker of MS progression, Manu Rangachari
Chaire de recherche du Canada en décision partagée et mobilisation des connaissances, France Légaré
Chaire de recherche du Canada en neuroimmunologie, Serge Rivest
CIRRIS - Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale, Catherine Mercier
Continuum PAROLE-Onco : Vers le développement de compétences en auto-soins pour améliorer l'expérience de la vie après les traitements aigus de cancer du sein, Hermann Nabi
Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network: CoVaRR-Net Pillar 3 Year 3, Denis Leclerc
Coûts des maladies cardiovasculaires et des problèmes de santé mentale attribuables aux contraintes psychosociales au travail : Une étude longitudinale de 22 ans auprès de 9 000 cols blancs.
Creating an Indigenous patient circle, Marie-Claude Tremblay
Deafnesses: Reconfiguring expertise and reconsidering sensory experiences with/out the cochlear implant, Stephanie Lloyd
Derivation, validation,and user testing of a clinical prediction rule for the early identification of patients at risk for developing the Post-COVID-19 condition in patients presenting to emergency departments with an acute SARS-CoV-2, Patrick Archambault
Developing research priorities for enhancing wheelchair mobility using simulation and virtual reality in children and youth, Krista Lynn Best
Development of a in vivo mouse screening platform to identify molecular effectors of non-melanoma skin cancers
Development of statistical methods for estimating optimal adaptive treatment strategies with survival outcomes, Denis Talbot
Diabetes Action Canada - Mobilizing Knowledge and Implementing Equitable and Cost-Effective Health and Social Care Services for Persons Living with Diabetes in Canada, Maman Joyce Dogba
Does a reduced-dose RotaTeq (RV5) vaccine schedule translate into a higher incidence of rotavirus infections compared to approved RV5 schedules?
Early markers of cardiovascular disease and lifestyle habits in youth with type 1 diabetes followed to young adulthood, Vicky Drapeau
Early Prediction of preeclampsia Using arteriaL Stiffness in high-risk prEgnancies; a multinational study (PULSE), Mohsen Agharazii
Effects of an Open Lung protective protective EXTubation strategy compared to a conventional extubation strategy on postoperative pulmonary complications after general anesthesia as part of a comprehensive lung protective ventilation ..., Alexis Turgeon-Fournier
Elucidating the role of the IL-1 system in the pathogenesis of CNS autoimmunity, Steve Lacroix
ENGAGEment des ainés.es recevant des soins à domicile et de leurs proches dans les décisions en partenariat avec les équipes cliniques
Entre jeux vidéo et jeux de hasard et d'argent: quand les jeunes atteints de troubles psychotiques franchissent la ligne, Marie-France Demers
Étude de l'éco-efficience du port de l'équipement de protection individuelle contre la COVID-19 dans les urgences pour un contexte post-pandémique
Evaluating and facilitating the implementation of stepped and measurement-based mental health care in Family Medicine Groups, Matthew Menear
Evaluating the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on youth substance use and mental health trajectories over time: renewal of the COMPASS prospective cohort., Richard Bélanger
Évaluation de l'implantation de la gestion de soins et services et de la variation des effets dans des Centres intégrés universitaires de santé et de service sociaux au Québec, Pernelle Smits
Évaluation de l'implentation des Guichets d'accès première ligne (GAP) pour les patients orphelins et ses effets, Maude Laberge
Exploring the role of rare genetic variations in the risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in patients from multi-affected kindreds in the Quebec founder population, Michel Maziade
Fatty acid metabolism in carriers of apolipoprotein E. epsilon 4 allele: determining the blood-to-brain link, Frédéric Calon
Functional dissection of the serotoninergic system in normal and pathological conditions, Christophe Proulx
Function and neuroprotective potential of new target genes against Parkinson's disease, Martin Lévesque
Gene Application to engage a Model Organism Researcher – NPRL2, Paul Dutchak
Genomics of antimicrobial resistance and drug/target discovery, Marc Ouellette
Gentrification des soins de première ligne au Québec : une étude longitudinale multiméthode, Sophie Dupéré
Healthcare Governance for a Post-COVID Canada: Leveraging Hard-Earned Experience for a More Equitable and Supportive System
Health Research Training Platform: Digital Mental Health for families, parents, youth and children, Geneviève Belleville
Health Research Training to Address Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Decline: the Vascular Training (VAST) Platform, Frédéric Calon
HeLTI cooperative research project: A Multifaceted Maternal-Child Health Intervention Cohort Study for the prevention of childhood obesity, Isabelle Marc
Hésitation à la vaccination: Comprendre pour mieux agir, Ève Dubé
IMPACT, a supervised rehabilitation program for spastic ataxias: A rater-blinded, randomized controlled trial, Élise Duchesne
Implementing best practices in long-term care settings: Strategies to guide health services and policies
Implementing Smart Cities Interventions to Build Healthy Cities (SMART) Training Platform, Catherine Paquet
Improving the quality of Canadian pediatric injury care: identifying priorities based on evidence, practice variations and stakeholder needs and preferences, Lynne Moore
Innovative National Strategies for Patient-Oriented Research Education / Stratégies nationales innovantes en éducation pour la stratégie de recherche axée sur le patient (INSPIRE), Annie Leblanc
Investigate the mechanisms regulating the fibrotic reaction mediated by perivascular cells in cerebrovascular disorders, Ayman El Ali
Investigating the interplay between Sickle Cell Anemia and Malaria at the epidemiological and molecular levels, Dave Richard
Is a 12-week intervention involving multimodal physiotherapy, photobiomodulation or a combination of multimodal physiotherapy and photobiomodulation more effective than sham photobiomodulation for the reduction of pain among those with..., Stéphanie Bernard
It’s about protecting my community”: Randomized Controlled Trials of Personalized, Digital Health Vaccination Decision Support
Klotho, a new biomarker to improve breast cancer screening programs by reducing false-positive results., Jean-Sébastien Paquette
La modulation des ganglions de la base par les afférences neurochimiques du tronc cérébral : implication dans la physiopathologie des troubles du mouvement
Les conduites paternelles et la transmission intergénérationnelle des problèmes de santé mentale : une étude de cohorte père-mère-enfant débutant à la période prénatale, Célia Matte-Gagné
Les interactions entre la fatigue et l'apprentissage moteur: mieux les comprendre pour mieux intervenir, Jason Bouffard
les soins préhospitaliers d'urgence: une opportunité d'innover et d'améliorer les soins, Éric Mercier
L'inversion de la pyramide des soins anténataux pour améliorer l'accès aux soins et la santé des mères et des enfants vivant en région éloignée (PROJET PYRAMIDE), Emmanuel Bujold
Mechanisms of action of sex-specific endocrine treatments in complementary models of Parkinson's disease, Denis Soulet
Mechanisms regulating contribution of pericytes to brain repair after stroke, Ayman El Ali
Mise à I'echelle du modèle pair accompagnateur, France Légaré
Mobilisation des parties prenantes mise à l’échelle : MOBILISÉ, France Légaré
Multi-Centre Cluster-Randomized Implementation of Canadian Syncope Pathway for Emergency Department Syncope Management, Éric Mercier
Multifunctional properties of osteoprotegerin in muscular dystrophy and muscle repair, Jérôme Frenette
Multi-pathway cholesterol depletion on top of FOLFIRINOX in newly diagnosed metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a feasibility and proof-of-concept study
Neurodevelopmental vs. Neurodegenerative: A study of neurodevelopmental consequences of FTD genetic mutations in at-risk youth, Robert Jr Laforce
Neurovascular adaptations driving stress-induced depression vs resilience, Caroline Ménard
NSABP Breast Cancer Treatment Protocols, Dominique Boudreau
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Long-Term Health Consequences, Frédéric Series
Omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of breast cancer: role of obesity-related markers in breast tissues, Caroline Diorio
Optimization of HPV vaccination and screening in Canada, considering opportunities provided by 1-dose vaccination: A mathematical modeling study
Optimizing HPV vaccination programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) and Canada to reduce inequalities and reach global elimination of cervical cancer: An integrated knowledge translation dynamic-modeling approach, Marc Brisson
Optimizing HPV vaccination programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) and High-Income Countries (HIC) to reduce inequalities and reach global elimination of cervical cancer: An integrated knowledge translation dynamic-modeling, Marc Brisson
Optimizing patient adherence to stroke rehabilitation treatment: a telerehabilitation trial, Matthew Menear
Par-Aînés du programme PATIenTS, Marie-Soleil Hardy
Par-Aînés du programme PATIenTS, Maude Laberge
PARP inhibition in PAH: A Phase 1 clinical trial
PC18: Safety of COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant women: a population-based retrospective cohort study using hospital administration data, Marilou Kiely
Peer support for families of people with severe neuro-cognitive disorders (the “Study”), Annie Leblanc
Plan d'action pour la gestion de la douleur chronique du Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec: Évaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des impacts des projets initiaux en vue d'une généralisation progressive à l'ensemble du Qc, Anne-Marie Pinard
Planning Digital Health Anatomic Inventories for Individualized Inclusive Care
Post-extubation pressures on non-invasive respiratory support in preterm neonates: A prospective comparative effectiveness research study, Christine Drolet
Predicting Psychotic Relapse using Speech-based Early-detection, Amélie Achim
PREGTRIAL (Inclusion of PREgnant and lactatinG people in clinical TRIALs), Alexis Turgeon-Fournier
Prévenir l’hypertension, le diabète de type 2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires en ciblant les stresseurs psychosociaux au travail, les longues heures de travail et les mauvaises habitudes de vie : Des fractions, Xavier Trudel
Preventing pathological protein spread in Huntington's disease: relevance to pathology and treatment, Francesca Cicchetti
Prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus en Côte d’Ivoire, Afrique de l’Ouest : Évaluation de l’efficacité du vaccin quadrivalent, Souleymane Diabate
Prevention of the immunopathology induced by SARS-CoV-2
Priming MUC-16 positive ovarian and pancreatic cancer cells for immunotherapy using an alpha particle labeled radioimmunoconjugate, Humphrey Fonge
Promoting healthy eating in early pregnancy in women at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: does it improve glucose homeostasis?, Anne-Sophie Morisset
Réalisation du projet EDI, Antoine Groulx
Real-World Evaluation of the Efficacy, Safety and Cost-Effectiveness of Statins for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Among the Elderly – A Causal Perspective to Treatment Trajectory Analysis
Redéfinir la neuro-imagerie pour les patients âgés /adultes souffrant de traumatisme cranio-cérébral léger, Marcel Émond
Scalable, Customizable, Digital Health Communication Materials to Help Canada Address the COVID19 Pandemic
Scaling up shared decision making for patient-centred care, France Légaré
Self-reported measurement systems to guide decision-making: A scoping review (the “Study”), Annie Leblanc
Sex and sex-hormones determine pulmonary morphological and single-nucleus transcriptomic responses in an animal model of sleep apnea., Vincent Joseph
SHRed Injuries: Preventing Injuries and their Consequences in Youth Sport and Recreation, Claude Goulet
Skin Investigation Network of Canada (SkIN Canada), Lucie Germain
Sleep is not just a matter of night: Understanding the etiology of naps in 2.5- to 6-year-olds, Michel Boivin
Soulager la douleur chronique chez les aînés à l'aide de la stimulation transcrânienne par courant direct, Cyril Schneider
Soutenir un système de santé apprenant, collaboratif, équitable et durable axé sur les patientes et les patients, Marie-Claude Tremblay
Soutien à l’équipe Cohorte – LBP, Hugo Masse-Alarie
Soutien à l’équipe Résilience-Épaule, Jean-Sébastien Roy
Soutien au développement d'outils pour l'Unité de soutien SSA Québec - Activités de l'antenne, Maude Laberge
Soutien au développement d’outils pour l’Unité de soutien SSA Québec - Les effets de la COVID-19 au Québec : une analyse de répercussion chez le personnel soignant, Maude Laberge
Soutien au développement d’outils pour l’Unité de soutien SSA Québec-Processus de mobilisation de parties prenantes (France Légaré), France Légaré
Strategies for catheter ablation of persistant atrial fibrillation: a randomized comparative study (STAR AF 3), Jean Champagne
Sur le chemin du mieux-être selon la trajectoire de vie : Soutien à la personnalisation des soins et services dans la transition entre le domicile et l’hébergement - Projet Par-Aînés
Surveillance of Complex Renal Cysts: The SOCRATIC study, Frédéric Pouliot
Targeting defective cells to restore my ogenis and muscle function in myotonic dystrophy type 1, Élise Duchesne
Targeting Integrin Signaling to Alleviate Remodeling in Pulmonary Arteries and the Right Ventricle in Pulmonary Hypertension, Olivier Boucherat
Targeting mRNA translation to effectively treat uveal melanoma, Solange Landreville
Testing COVID-19 vaccine decision aids with health care workers
The Canadian CABG or PCI in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (STICH 3.0) Trial, Pierre Voisine
The Canadian Severe Acute Respiratory Infection, Prospective, Perpetual Observational Study: Informing Clinical Care and the Public Health Response, Alexis Turgeon-Fournier
The interplay of sex hormones and chromosomes dictates pathogenicity in progressive CNS autoimmunity, Manu Rangachari
The Pan-Canadian Genome Library (PCGL), Hermann Nabi
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Septic Shock (PLEXSIS): A Pilot Study, Alexis Turgeon-Fournier
The role of chronic stress reactivity in the persistence of insomnia over time, Josée Savard
The test-negative design for the estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness: design evaluation and development of statistical methods in the evolving context, Denis Talbot
Toward a paradigm shift in the promotion of healthy eating: Systematic development and feasibility testing of an intervention, Simone Lemieux
Towards a pan-Canadian network for integrating research-evaluation and knowledge translation in youth mental health services, Caroline Cellard
Trajectories of Externalizing Behaviour Problems and New Parents’ Distress and Harsh Parenting: A Genetically-Informed, Prospective Longitudinal Study, Amélie Petitclerc
Transitioning patients with advanced chronic kidney disease to home or facility dialysis: understanding the experience and quality of life for patients and their caregivers (TRANSIT-CARE), Kai-Kock Fabrice Mac-Way
Turning Recommendations into Reality: Knowledge Mobilization for the International Donation and Transplantation Legislative and Policy Forum, Matthew John Weiss
Un nouveau vecteur de médicaments ophtalmiques à base de nanoparticules d'or, Elodie Boisselier
Unraveling sensory coding dysfunctions that underlie chronic pain, Yves De Koninck
Unraveling the functional domains of a novel pluripotency-associated lncRNA, Samer Hussein
Urethral reconstruction using tissue engineering, final steps towards clinical translation, Stéphane Bolduc
Vieillissement actif des personnes vivant avec des incapacités : Une vision inclusive et axée sur la personne, Samuel Turcotte
Visceral obesity and ectopic fat: the missing links between lifestyle and chronic societal cardiometabolic diseases?, Jean-Pierre Després
Volet Système de santé Apprenant, France Légaré