Projets(s) de recherche, responsable
    Artificial Intelligence meets Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding in smart sustainable cities, Irene Abi-Zeid
    Canada Research Chair in SENSEABLE CITIES FOR EMPOWERED MOBILITY, Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi
    Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport (CIRRELT), Yan Cimon
    Classification des essences d'arbres par image plein pied, Philippe Giguère
    Closing the reality Gap in Machine Learning for Speech and Audio, Yusuf Cem Subakan
    Constrained expected utility maximization: applications in quantitative finance, risk management, life and pension insurance, Huu Thai Nguyen
    Cryobotics : a fertile ground for antifragile embodied intelligence, François Pomerleau
    Deep Learning with Little Labelled Data, Christian Gagné
    Enforcing security and safety policies in IoT applications, Nadia Tawbi
    Enquête sur les interactions sociales dans les communautés en ligne et l'influence des interventions gestionnaire, Assia Lasfer
    Forage de données d'assurance : techniques, éthique, et sécurité
    Groupe d'études et de recherche en analyse des décisions, Leandro Callegari Coelho
    Improving Optimization-Based Scheduling and Path Planning Decision Support: An Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Approach with Applications to Surveillance and Search, Michael Morin
    Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network (CEOS)
    Interactive reinforcement learning for adaptive experimental design, Audrey Durand
    Interpretable Machine Learning for life science data, François Laviolette
    Investigating the behavioral and cerebral bases of empathy using human computer interactions, Philip Jackson
    Leveraging Senseable Cities for Inclusive Mobility: Dynamic Routing in Disruptive Sidewalks, Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi
    Leveraging the Internet of Things and Open Data to Support Clean Energy, Jacqueline Corbett
    Leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to build an ecosystem of software ecosystems in the context of polyglot microservices-based applications, Mohamed Aymen Saied
    Linguistic privilege and marginalization inf scholarly communication: Understanding the role of new language technologies for shifting language dynamics, Lynne Bowker
    Low-Resource Techniques and Methodologies for Processing Language Varieties, Richard Khoury
    Machine learning for the insurance industry: predictive models, fraud detection, and fairness
    Nanoblog processing, Richard Khoury
    NSERC CREATE in Responsible Health and Healthcare Data Science, Philippe Després
    Optimisation de l'exploitation de l'information sur la vulnérabilité des sources d'eau potable, Manuel J. Rodriguez-Pinzon
    PAC-Bayesian transfer learning: theroy and algorithms, Pascal Germain
    Partenariat universitaire sur la prévention du plagiat (PUPP), Julien Bureau
    Système intelligent de planification et d'exécution manufacturière dans les environnements reconfigurables, Adnène Hajji
    Towards Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems, Talal Halabi
    Understanding the world behind the image, Jean-François Lalonde
    Unité mixte de recherche Lab-Usine, Jonathan Gaudreault