Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
12e Colloque ARAMOS, Marie-Ève Dufour
16th EAOHP Conference, Julie Dextras-Gauthier
23rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hager Khechine
Accélérer la mise à l'échelle d'innovation en santé grâce à la cocréation par une entreprise sociale technologique, Sophie Veilleux
A Disaggregated Integer L-Shaped Method for Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with the Optimal Restocking Policy, Leandro Callegari Coelho
A GRASP algorithm for the concrete delivery problem, Jean-François Côté
A hybrid CNN-LSTM model for joint optimization of production and imperfect predictive maintenance planning, Adnène Hajji
A hybrid deep learning approach to integrate predictive maintenance and production planning for multi-state systems, Adnène Hajji
AI and the Future of HRM: Unlocking Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges, Julie Dextras-Gauthier
À l'aube des 25 ans de la Marche mondiale des femmes : défis et leviers individuels, organisationnels et structurels à l'implication locale et internationale pour les droits des femmes, Isabelle Auclair
Algorithme de recommandation et engagement des consommateurs sur les plateformes numériques, Xintong Han
Améliorer et faciliter le processus de création d'horaires des apprenants en GMFU, Monia Rekik
A multicriteria model for the assessment of source water contamination by anthropogenic activities to support land use management, Irene Abi-Zeid
A multicriteria spatial decision support tool to inform policy on shared streets, Irene Abi-Zeid
An action design research study on responsible innovation teaching and training for information systems students, Jacqueline Corbett
An action design research study on responsible innovation teaching and training for information systems students, Sehl Mellouli
Analyse des besoins énergétiques de semi-remorques électriques circulants entre Montréal et Québec, Julien Lépine
Analyse d'impact des stratégies alternatives pour les médecins de famille pour la réduction des listes d'attentes et pour l'amélioration des budgets provinciales et de santé de la population, Paolo Landa
An exact method for the quadratic knapsack problem through binary decision diagram, Leandro Callegari Coelho
An experimental study of a change in professional accountants' code of ethics: The influence of NOCLAR on the duty to report illegal acts to an external authority
A novel dynamic programming heuristic for the quadratic knapsack problem, Leandro Callegari Coelho
A parallel branch-and-price algorithm for the p-median problem with externalities, Leandro Callegari Coelho
A parallel variable neighborhood search for a-neighbor facility location problems, Leandro Callegari Coelho
A parallel variable neighborhood search for a-neighbor facility location problems, Jacques Renaud
A relax-and-restrict matheuristic for supply chain network design with facility location and customer due date flexibility, Maryam Darvish
A relax-and-restrict matheuristic for supply chain network design with facility location and customer due date flexibility, Leandro Callegari Coelho
A relay race or an ironman? A systematic review of the literature on innovation in the mining sector, Norrin Halilem
Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity: A Framework for Researching Contingencies, Hager Khechine
Artificial intelligence in tourism and hospitality: Bibliometric analysis and research agenda, Riadh Ladhari
Assessing the effectiveness of financial incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Europe: Multi-period difference-in-difference approach, Jacqueline Corbett
Assessing the effectiveness of financial incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Europe: Multi-period difference-in-difference approach, Julien Lépine
Assessing the effectiveness of financial incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Europe: Multi-period difference-in-difference approach, Julien Lépine
Assisting experts with welding procedure specification: Supervised learning algorithms and a two-phase formulation for welding parameter prediction, Michael Morin
Being a manager and a subordinate who foster psychological health at work: A competency-based approach through an organizational intervention, Marie-Hélène Gilbert
Benefits and limitations of business process model notation in modelling patient healthcare trajectory: A scoping review protocol, Paolo Landa
Bridging the gap between work- and nonwork-related knowledge contributions on enterprise social media: The role of the employee-employer relationship, Mustapha Cheikh-Ammar
Building a Bridge Between "Equity and Ingenuity": A Systematic Review of Organizational Justice and Innovation and Future Research Directions, Julie Dextras-Gauthier
Centre de recherche en entrepreneuriat international, Sophie Veilleux
Centre de recherche en gestion, développement des personnes et des organisations (CerG-DPO), Marie-Hélène Gilbert
Centre de recherche en technologies de l'information et affaires (CeRTIA), Josianne Marsan
Centre de recherche et de cocréation pour l'innovation et l'avancement durable des affaires autochtones, Jacqueline Corbett
Centre de recherche et de cocréation pour l'innovation et l'avancement durable des affaires autochtones, Jacqueline Corbett
Centre de recherche sur les projets en contexte public (CERPRO), Magali Simard
Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport, Yan Cimon
Centre universitaire d'expertise en gouvernance de sociétés, Jean-François Henri
Chaire de leadership en enseignement sur le développement de l'esprit d'entreprendre et de l'entrepreneuriat, Maripier Tremblay
Chaire de recherche du Canada en internalisation du développement durable et responsabilisation des organisations, Olivier Boiral
Chaire de recherche du Canada en logistique intégrée, Leandro Callegari Coelho
Chaire de recherche en gouvernance et gestion de la cybersécurité, Hager Khechine
Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales
Chantier d'avenir en action climatique, Guillaume Pain
Chapter 10: Cybersecurity management for digital transformation, Hager Khechine
Collective Schema Evolution and Corporate Environmental Sustainability, Guillaume Pain
Consultants as discreet corporate change agents for sustainability: Transforming organizations from the outside-in, Luc Bres
Consumer Behavior in Marketing, Sumitra Auschaitrakul
Création et transfert des connaissances explicites au sein d'un organisme à but non lucratif, Gustavo Birollo
Critères d'identification des infrastructures et services essentiels au Québec, Hager Khechine
Cross-cultural reactions to phatic language use in organisations
Decontesting an essentially contested concept: The standardization of sustainable finance, Olivier Boiral
Developing conceptual models in the digital age to facilitate decision-making and understanding of complex systems, Araz Jabbari
Does the welfare regime impact the telework gender stress gap?, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset
Economies of Scale vs. Service Quality and Environmental Concerns: An Application to Integrated Sea-Land Shipping Systems with Carbon Tax Policy Insight, Jacques Renaud
Économies salariales de la professeure Marzia Angela Cremona, Marzia Angela Cremona
Ecosystemic thinking: Integrating ecosystem assessment to the strategic thinking process, Sophie Veilleux
Effective presentation of ontological overlap of multiple conceptual models, Araz Jabbari
Enjeux du décloisonnement et de l'intégration des prestations de soins dans les projets de transformation de l'organisation des soins et services de santé, Jean-Baptiste Gartner
Exploring meaningful work around the globe: Cross-cultural validation of the WAMI scale, René Arseneault
Exploring the impacts of managerial algorithms on gig- and virtual-workers' autonomy, stress and well-being, Nura Jabagi
Exploring the patterns of convergence and divergence in the development of major infrastructure projects
Financement chercheuse invitée - CRC en logistique intégrée, MobilOpt, CIRRELT et OSD, Leandro Callegari Coelho
Financement chercheuse invitée - Département de management / CRGSS FSA ULaval, André Côté
Fonds de soutien au Centre de recherche en entrepreneuriat international, Sophie Veilleux
Fonds Paul-H.-Brochu, Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme
FunBIalign:A hierarchical algorithm for functional motif discovery based on mean squared residue scores, Marzia Angela Cremona
Furloughed employees' voluntary turnover: The role of procedural justice, job insecurity, and job embeddedness
Genetic algorithms for planning and scheduling engineer-to-order production: a systematic review, Monia Rekik
How does a subsequent entrepreneurship career choice develop? A set-theoretic analysis testing hope theory, Maripier Tremblay
How do underwriting and investment activities affect P&C insurers' capital adjustments? Evidence from Canada, Van Son Lai
How Inconsistencies Between Multiple Conceptual Modeling Scripts Affect Readers' Understanding, Araz Jabbari
HVTT18: Trucking toward S2MART transport, Julien Lépine
Identifier l'intégration des enjeux ÉDI au sein des formations des concepteurs d'intelligence artificielle (IA) et mesurer son influence sur leur conscientisation et les pratiques mises en oeuvre pour des IA plus inclusives, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset
Integrated planning and scheduling of engineer-to-order projects using a Lamarckian Layered Genetic Algorithm, Monia Rekik
Intelligence artificielle dans les institutions gouvernementales, Sehl Mellouli
Internalisation du développement durable et la responsabilisation des organisations, Olivier Boiral
In the "Crossfire" of the acquisition process: Exploring middle managers' unfolding mediation dynamics, Gustavo Birollo
Iterative matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem, Angel Ruiz
Knowledge sharing in open government data ecosystems, Jacqueline Corbett
Lab to farm: mapping knowledge transfer channels and determinants from researchers' perspective - A systematic literature review, Nabil Amara
Lab to farm: mapping knowledge transfer channels and determinants from researchers' perspective - A systematic literature review, Nabil Amara
La conception de systèmes d'information pour un avenir durable et prospère : une approche ancrée dans les sciences de la conception, Alexander Quoc Huy Chung
La construction de l'industrie du design de l'information
La construction des comptes « diversité » : Qui et comment?, Alessandro Ghio
La gouvernance des projets collaboratifs R-D stratégiques des centres de transfert technologique de l'industrie 4.0, Magali Simard
L'Analyse en Composantes Principales conditionnelle
La réduction de l’empreinte carbone des PME québécoises et la transition énergétique, enjeux organisationnels et humains, Stéphane Roche
La réduction de l'empreinte carbone des PME québécoises et la transition énergétique, enjeux organisationnels et humains - Baromètre, Stéphane Roche
La rétention en emploi des personnes neurodivergentes au Québec : déterminants et conditions de succès, Felix Ballesteros Leiva
La valorisation marchande du handicap : les enjeux éthiques découlant de sa commodification, Maude Paré Plante
Leadership for cooperatives' digital transitions: From a individualistic to a collectivistic perspective, Luc Audebrand
Learning care pathways framework: A new method to implement, learn, replicate, and scale up care pathways for and with the patient, Jean-Baptiste Gartner
L'élaboration des grands projets d'infrastructure : l'apport de l'Advocacy Coalition Framework à la théorisation de la planification des projets publics
Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux et les entreprises familiales : innovation avec un regard sur les marchés internationaux, Christian Keen
Le télétravail et la santé durable : déterminants organisationnels, managériaux et individuels, Caroline Biron
L'IA au service de la prévision des risques psychosociaux : vers un environnement de travail plus sain, Julie Dextras-Gauthier
L'IA générative comme "double discours" et implications pour la gestion : le cas de ChatGPT, Luc Bres
L'intelligence artificielle et une gestion durable et résiliente des chaînes d'approvisionnement internationales, Christian Keen
Logistique intégrée, Leandro Callegari Coelho
Management practices that promote preventive measures compliance: A comparative analysis between hospital healthcare workers and teachers, Elena Laroche
Managerial accounting practices, HR metrics, and firm performance, René Arseneault
Managing virtual presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multilevel study on managers' stress management competencies to foster functional presenteeism, Caroline Biron
Middle managers' relational dynamics in the context of acquisitions: Balancing strategic interdependence and organizational autonomy, Gustavo Birollo
Modeling 4.0: Conceptual Modeling in a Digital Era, Araz Jabbari
Modélisation et simulation participative pour la cogestion des écosystèmes marins, Irene Abi-Zeid
Multi-period time window assignment for attended home delivery, Jean-François Côté
Mythmaking in audit regulation: The Canadian initiative on "enhancing audit quality", Yves Gendron
New formulations for the robust vehicle routing problem with time windows under demand and travel time uncertainty, Leandro Callegari Coelho
Nurses' intention to leave, nurse workload and in-hospital patient mortality in Italy: A descriptive and regression study, Marzia Angela Cremona
Nurses' intention to leave, nurse workload and in-hospital patient mortality in Italy: A descriptive and regression study, Paolo Landa
Optimal choice between CAT bond and debt to cover the risks of natural disasters, Issouf Soumaré
Optimisation de la livraison de colis dernier kilomètre par camion électrique, Maryam Darvish
Partenariat intersectoriel pour une transition écoresponsable en logistique des soins et des services de santé, André Côté
Partenariats stratégiques intersectoriels : une revue de littérature systématique et un agenda de recherche, Renato Lago Pereira Chaves
Patriarchy, capitalism, and accounting: A herstory, Christine Gilbert
Petits et moyens hôtels familiaux : nouvelles technologies, durabilité et le respect des valeurs culturelles régionales, Christian Keen
Prix Hermès 2019 - Fayez Fouad Boctor
Promotional campaigns in the agri-food sector aimed at reducing meat consumption: A promising leverage for action, Olivier Boiral
Putting Biologists on the Map: Occupational Osmosis and the Implications of Boundary Crossing for Inter-field Relations, Luc Bres
Quantifying the Relationship between Increasing Maritime Traffic and Atmospheric Pollution in the Artic, Marzia Angela Cremona
Regularizing stock return covariance matrices via multiple testing of correlations, Richard Luger
Representative investors versus best clienteles: Performance evaluation disagreement in mutual funds, Stéphane Chrétien
Revue de littérature et préparation projet de recherche, Josianne Marsan
Revue de littérature sur la littératie statistique en santé, Irene Abi-Zeid
Roles of barriers and gender in explaining consumers' chatbot resistance in banking: a fuzzy approach, Nizar Souiden
Rolling Resistance Evaluation of Pavements using Embedded Transducers on a Semi-Trailer Suspension, Julien Lépine
Schèmes stratégiques et performance environnementale des entreprises, Guillaume Pain
Soutien à la Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales, Zhan Su
Soutien à la recherche pour l'obtention d'un prix Hermès en recherche, Irene Abi-Zeid
Soutien séjour Italie (Université de Gênes) - 18 au 31 mars 2025, Paolo Landa
Strategic intelligence as a resilience capability of global supply chains: Proposal of a conceptual framework based on a systematic literature review, Zhan Su
Stress financier chez les hommes et les femmes associé à la pandémie de la Covid-19 au Québec
Successful configurations of technology-organization-environment factors in digital transformation: Evidence from exporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry, Zhan Su
Taking Stock of Ethics and Compliance Programs as Anticorruption Mechanisms: An Integrative Review, Renato Lago Pereira Chaves
The assetization of baseball players: Instrumentalizing promise with signing bonuses and human capital contracts
The client and service provider relationship in it outsourcing project success: The moderating effects of organizational attitudes on knowledge sharing and partnership quality, Muhammad Mohiuddin
The consideration of diversity in the accounting literature: A systematic literature review, Alessandro Ghio
The development of large public infrastructure projects: Integrating policy and project studies models
The effects of artificial intelligence on human resource activities and the roles of the human resource triad: Opportunities and challenges, Julie Dextras-Gauthier
The effects of artificial intelligence on human resource activities and the roles of the human resource triad: Opportunities and challenges, Marie-Hélène Gilbert
The Emergence of Organization-Hosted Online Community Sustainability, Assia Lasfer
The responsible business model canvas: Designing and assessing a sustainable business modeling tool for students and start-up entrepreneurs, Luc Audebrand
The responsible business model canvas: Designing and assessing a sustainable business modeling tool for students and start-up entrepreneurs, Matthias Pepin
The worst is not to fail, but to fail to learn from failure: A multi-method empirical validation of learning from innovation failure
Transition agroécologique : évaluation de choix d'acteurs en agrosystèmes grandes cultures par voie de modélisation multicritère pour l'aide à la décision, Irene Abi-Zeid
Unsupervised learning methods to discover patterns in fuctional data, Marzia Angela Cremona
Who speaks through the machine? Generative AI as discourse and implications for management, Luc Bres
Women accountants and Wellbeing, Alessandro Ghio
Wood planer control: Predictive and prescriptive approaches via Automatic State Matching Gaussian processes, Michael Morin