Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
Activité 1 - Genomic/phenomic selection, Pierre Giovenazzo
Activité 2 - Testing DNA sampling, Pierre Giovenazzo
Activité 3 - Genomic diversity, Pierre Giovenazzo
Activité 4 - Project management, Pierre Giovenazzo
ApiOmic, Breeding Honey Bees Using Genomic, Pierre Giovenazzo
Cell signaling in ovarian function, François Richard
Chaire de recherche du Canada en Cellules Souches et Génie Tissulaire, Lucie Germain
Chaire de recherche du Canada en virologie moléculaire et instabilité génomique, Amélie Fradet-Turcotte
Chaire de recherche en biologie synthétique et des systèmes cellulaires, Christian Landry
Comprendre la complexité du domaine lipidique cutané, Roxane Pouliot
Deciphering the physiological role of alpha-synuclein aggregation in the central nervous system, Abid Oueslati
Dendritic inhibition in hippocampal circuits, Lisa Topolnik
Développement de méthodes statistiques permettant de caractériser les tactiques de déplacement des animaux dans des systèmes complexes, Daniel Fortin
Ectonucleotidases and Extracellular Nucleotides in Smooth Muscle Cell Contraction, Jean Sévigny
Elucidate the role of KLF4 in regulating mural cell contribution to tissue repair after stroke, Ayman El Ali
Environmental DNA (eDNA), meta-Barcoding and transcriptional profiling to improve sustainability of freshwater fisheries and fish culture
Exploration des interactions fonctionnelles des longs ARNs non-codants dans le développement embryonnaire et le cancer, Samer Hussein
Expression and function of discoidin domain receptor 1 in T cells, Fawzi Aoudjit
Functional and structural characterization of an insect mevalonate pathway enzyme, Michel Cusson
GT-PARCS Activité 1_Resistance mutations and signatures, Christian Landry
GT-PARCS Activité 2_Analysis and prediction algorithm, Christian Landry
GT-PARCS Activité 3_Protocol from samples to DNA sequencing, Christian Landry
GT-PARCS Activité 4_Performance in public labs, Christian Landry
GT-PARCS Genomics tools for the prediction of antigungal resistance in clinical samples, Christian Landry
Interaction between the cell cycle and the circadian clock : mechanism and implications
Interaction between the cell cycle and the circadian clock : mechanism and implications, Éric Paquet
iTrackDNA: Non-Destructive Precision Genomics for Environmental Impact Tracking in a Global Climate Change Era, Nicolas Derome
Lincoln Sea, the last refuge of the changing Arctic Ocean, Mathieu Ardyna
Mécanismes moléculaires orchestrant la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse, Patrick Laprise
Mechanisms of endocytosis and transcytosis into endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier, Frédéric Calon
Mise en place de la plateforme d'ingénierie tissulaire en cancer, François Bordeleau
Novel phosphotyrosine signalling pathways during mitosis, Sabine Elowe
Optimizing sampling design, data integration, and methods for understanding population dynamics and predicting ecological changes, Sandra Hamel
Phosphotyrosine signalling during mitosis.
Physiological regulation of tau protein, Emmanuel Planel
Régulation de la morphogenèse tissulaire par la signalisation dépendante des récepteurs EPH et des ligands éphrines, Nicolas Bisson
Rescuing invitro cultured bovine embryos by a metabolic programming of the epigenetic response to culture, Marc-André Sirard
Ressources Aquatiques Québec, Steve Charette
Roles played by transzonal projections in the making of a high quality oocyte, Claude Robert
Soutien aux activités de recherche de l'Herbier Louis-Marie, Juan Carlos Villarreal Aguilar
Stressed to a T: The role of stress granule dynamics in regulating effector T cell function, Manu Rangachari
Therapeutic reprogramming of microglia after stroke: identifying sex- and age-dependent immune targets, Jasna Kriz
Toxicité des rayons ultraviolets sous l’angle de la mitochondrie, Patrick Rochette