Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
A Pre-Clinical Research for Treatment of Prematurity and BronchoPulmonary Dysplasia through Intracrinology
Biomarkers for risk stratification and detection of early-onset preeclampsia, Emmanuel Bujold
Chaire de recherche du Canada en in Epithelial Dynamics of Kidney and Reproductive Organs, Sylvie Breton
Defining the role of GATA4 in steroidogenic cells and sex differentiation in males using novel mouse models, Jacques J. Tremblay
Évaluation et mise en œuvre de l’écosystème de santé numérique Nüpa dans le domaine des soins primaires en zone éloignée et en exploration spatiale, Caroline Rhéaume
Isoprostanes and phospholipases A2: Roles in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, Jean-François Bilodeau
Mitochondrial signaling plays an important role in the regulation of sperm motility and fertilizing ability, Pierre Leclerc
Recherche clinique sur l'endométriose et les facteurs affectant la qualité de vie des individus atteints, Sarah Maheux-Lacroix
Tissue-engineered solutions for uro-genital reconstruction, and replacing banned synthetic meshes, Stéphane Bolduc
Unité de recherche régionale en télésanté périnatale, Emmanuel Bujold
Unraveling the role Motile and Immotile Primary Cilia in Efferent Ductule Homeostasis and Male Fertility, Clémence Belleannée
Unravelling the role of ARHGEF3 during skin development and hair follicle regeneration, Mélanie Laurin